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Paint the Room Red
General information
Season Kobe Town
Place Kobe Town, Japan
District Kudo High
Case # 2
Initial release date 30th April 2020
Partner(s) Kujo Kaoru (All Chapters)
Hosaka Tatsuyuki (The Demon After School 2)
Case chronology
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Take the Last Breath Ready! Set! Bang!
Oh no... Somebody has painted a room red after giving an end to a schoolgirl's life. Are you able to find this "paintkiller" before they make your life all in bloody red!?
—-Case teaser

Paint the Room Red is a case featured in Criminal Case as the second case of Kobe Town. It takes place in the Kudo High district of Kobe Town.


Kujo and the player received reports from Chief Oyama of a murder in a dorm room of Kudo High School. The team then headed to the dorm room, only to find the entire room bloody, along with the body of student Hirai Chieri lying on the bed with her throat slit. Kujo and the player then managed to identify five suspects, including the victim's roommate and student Minatozaki Kazuna, school head of security Moroboshi Masao and Trendbook-popular IT teacher Kenzaki Arito, victim's classmate Hino Atsushi and the victim's best friend, student Tokisaki Arisa, who was also a suspect during the previous case at the pool.

Mid-investigation, Yoshimune told the team that the blood used to paint the room red was in fact chicken blood. Later, Hirokawa told the team that she had seen the victim at the school's library before her death. After continuing to investigate, Kujo and the player found out that the victim had disgusted some of the suspects, including Minatozaki, who wanted to change to another dorm room as she kept complaining about how dirty the victim's sleeping place was, saying that she could not live with her and her "garbage bin"; as well as Moroboshi, who was backtalked by the victim as an old grumpy dude. Soon later, Megumi came across a Trendbook post of the victim and discovered some interesting information.

Megumi then showed the team the victim's latest post, which showed a viral video of Teacher Kenzaki teaching with an inappropriate caption: "I wanna smash this teachie hottie so much" and a lot of likes, as well as comments from fans. Asking Kenzaki about him going viral thanks to Chieri, the teacher just gave a long sigh and recalled that he had been receiving flirting and love messages from the lovestruck students nonstop although they all knew that he had a husband. Kujo and the player also found proof showing the victim bullying Hino due to his overweight appearance and persuading Arisa to go to shady nightclubs with her, uncomforting the two. Eventually Kujo and the player found enough evidence to incriminate Hino as the killer.

Admitting to the murder, Hino confessed that the victim's bully to him did not stop at what he said earlier. He then revealed that Chieri had even thrown his stuffs out of the class and body shamed him way badly, leading to Hino's depression and intention to kill himself. However, Hino decided to kill Chieri as a revenge, painted her room red with chicken blood before attempting to commit suicide. Judge Sato expressed her sympathy to Hino's motives, sentencing him to 6 years in jail.

Post-trial, Kujo and the player head to the computer room to ask Teacher Kenzaki for more information regarding the missing student, Tokisaki Mina. Answering about her, Kenzaki said that he kept bumping into her at the library, who told him that she was investigating into something creepy which she could not tell him. The team then searched the library, where they found Mina's laptop. Much to the team's confusion, Shin was surprised when they brought the laptop to him, asking what had happened. A strange-acting Shin then told the team that he could not figure out what Mina was investigating into, but was able to find out that Mina was annoyed by Moroboshi. The team then questioned Moroboshi, who recalled that he had caught Mina heading to the school's forbidden abandoned wing multiple times for unknown reasons.

After the team talked to Moroboshi, Arisa approached them, expressing her suspicions that Mina was investigating into the infamous mystery of the school, as Arisa had heard about it when she was working for an episode of the school's magazine. The team then searched for the said episode of magazine in Chieri's dorm room. In the magazine, the team found an article relating to the mystery, and were able to find out that Minatozaki was the article's writer. Asking Minatozaki about the article, the team found out that it was Mina who told her about the mystery, which came from a rumor online saying that there was a pair of moving skeletons inside the abandoned wing. Minatozaki also revealed that some days after Mina revealed the mystery to her, she disappeared without a trace.

Meanwhile, the school's P.E. teacher Goda Tatsuo, who was busy preparing for the school's sports day, approached Hosaka and the player, asking them to help him find his lost stopwatch. After all the events, the team continued to investigate into the school's mystery and Mina's disappearance.



  • Hirai Chieri (found dead inside her bloody dorm room with her throat slashed)

Murder Weapon[]

  • Knife


  • Hino Atsushi



Killer's Profile[]

  • The killer eats oysters.
  • The killer plays the guitar.
  • The killer uses Duck soap.
  • The killer wears orange.
  • The killer has a mud stain.

Crime Scenes[]

Dorm Room Bunk Bed Dorm Room Bonus
Computer Lab Computers Computer Lab Bonus
Library Book Shelves Library Bonus


Chapter 1[]

  • Investigate Dorm Room. (Clues: Torn Paper, Victim's Body; New Suspect: Minatozaki Kazuna; Victim identified: Hirai Chieri)
  • Ask Minatozaki about the victim. (Prerequisite: Dorm Room investigated; New Crime Scene Unlocked: Computer Lab)
  • Investigate Computer Lab. (Prerequisite: Minatozaki interrogated; Clues: Stack of Sticky Notes, Flashlight)
  • Examine Stack of Sticky Notes. (Result: Pen)
  • Examine Pen. (Result: Name; New Suspect: Kenzaki Arito)
  • Ask Teacher Kenzaki about his student. (Prerequisite: Name unraveled)
  • Examine Flashlight. (New Suspect: Moroboshi Masao)
  • Ask Moroboshi whether he knew the victim. (Prerequisite: Moroboshi decoded)
  • Examine Torn Paper. (Result: Threat)
  • Analyze Threat. (03:00:00; Attribute: The killer plays the guitar)
  • Autopsy Victim's Body. (18:00:00; Attribute: The killer eats oysters)
  • Go to Chapter 2. (1 star)

Chapter 2[]

  • Investigate Library. (Available after unlocking Chapter 2; Clues: Dead Chicken, Faded Photo, Locked Smartwatch)
  • Examine Dead Chicken. (Result: Slimy Substance)
  • Analyze Slimy Substance. (12:00:00; Attribute: The killer uses Duck soap; New Crime Scene Unlocked: Bunk Bed)
  • Investigate Bunk Bed. (Prerequisite: Smily Substance analyzed; Clues: Torn Page, Victim's Tablet)
  • Examine Torn Page. (Result: Note from Kazuna)
  • Ask Kazuna why she was angry towards the victim. (Prerequisite: Note from Kazuna restored; Profile updated: Kazuna eats oysters, plays the guitar and uses Duck soap)
  • Examine Victim's Tablet. (Result: Unlocked Tablet)
  • Analyze Unlocked Tablet. (12:00:00)
  • Question Moroboshi whether he knew that the victim was backtalking him. (Prerequisite: Unlocked Tablet analyzed; Profile updated: Moroboshi eats oysters, plays the guitar and uses Duck soap)
  • Examine Faded Photo. (Result: Victim's Photo; New Suspect: Tokisaki Arisa)
  • Talk to Arisa about the victim. (Prerequisite: Victim's Photo unraveled; Profile updated: Arisa eats oysters)
  • Examine Locked Smartwatch. (Result: Voice Message)
  • Examine Voice Message. (Result: Hino's Voice; New Suspect: Hino Atsushi)
  • Ask Hino about the victim. (Prerequisite: Hino's Voice identified; Profile updated: Hino eats oysters)
  • Go to Chapter 3. (No stars)

Chapter 3[]

  • Talk to Kenzaki about his feelings towards the viral video the victim posted. (Available after unlocking Chapter 3; New Crime Scene Unlocked: Computers; Profile updated: Kenzaki plays the guitar and uses Duck soap)
  • Investigate Library. (Prerequisite: Kenzaki interrogated; Clues: Backpack, Faded Board)
  • Examine Backpack. (Result: Arisa's Pencil Case)
  • Examine Arisa's Pencil Case. (Result: Club Invitations)
  • Find out whether the club invitations belonged to Arisa. (Prerequisite: Club Invitations found)
  • Examine Faded Board. (Result: Hating Message)
  • Analyze Hating Message. (09:00:00)
  • Question Hino about his grudge against the victim. (Prerequisite: Hating Message analyzed; Profile updated: Hino plays the guitar and uses Duck soap)
  • Investigate Book Shelves. (All tasks before must be done first; Clues: Bar of Soap, Pile of Books)
  • Examine Bar of Soap. (Result: Dirty Substance)
  • Analyze Dirty Substance. (09:00:00; Attribute: The killer has a mud stain)
  • Examine Pile of Books. (Result: Bloody Knife)
  • Analyze Bloody Knife. (15:00:00; Murder Weapon registered: Knife; Attribute: The killer wears orange)
  • Take care of the killer now!
  • Go to The Demon After School (2/5). (No stars)

The Demon After School (2/5)[]


  • Ask Teacher Kenzaki about Mina the missing student. (Available after unlocking Demons After School)
  • Investigate Library. (Prerequisite: Kenzaki interrogated; Clue: Lost and Found Box)
  • Examine Lost and Found Box. (Result: Mina's Laptop)
  • Analyze Mina's Laptop. (09:00:00)
  • Ask Moroboshi for information about Mina. (Prerequisite: Mina's Laptop analyzed; Reward: Burger)
  • Talk to Arisa about her discoveries. (Prerequisite: Moroboshi interrogated)
  • Investigate Victim's Dorm Room. (Prerequisite: Arisa interrogated; Clue: Faded Magazine)
  • Examine Faded Magazine. (Result: Magazine)
  • Analyze Magazine. (06:00:00)
  • Talk to Minatozaki about her magazine article. (Prerequisite: Magazine analyzed; Reward: Kudo High Badge)
  • See what Goda wants. (Available after unlocking Demons After School)
  • Investigate Computer Room. (Prerequisite: Goda interrogated; Clue: Pile of Books)
  • Examine Pile of Books. (Result: Goda's Stopwatch)
  • Give back Goda his stopwatch. (Prerequisite: Goda's Stopwatch found; Reward: 20,000 Coins)
  • Move on to a new crime! (No stars)

