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Case Case Script
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Jerry: Aahhh, can't you feel the way the air seems fresher here? Moving to New Lakeland was the best decision Old George has ever made!
Violet: I still can't get over the fact that my desk is next to a window with a stunning view of Barragán Lake. This place is so lovely...
Jerry: It's a shame that our first week here was so boring. We've practically had nothing to do, and we haven't even met the district Commander.
Jerry: But hey, at least we have a gorgeous lake to look at everyday.
Jerry: What are the people here like, you say? Well, <Name>, how can I say it... There are actually not many people here. The district is 90% lake, so practically nobody lives here.
Jerry: However, the ones that do are just peaceful people who want a life by the lake. And of course, lots of snobs from Evergreen Tops have their second house here.
George: Are you ready for your first investigation in New Lakeland, <Name>? Someone died in one of the Honey Hill Ranches and you're in charge of investigating.
Jerry: Great! More snobs. God, I wish we could just stay by the lake. You've never been to a Honey Hill Ranch, have you, <Name>?
Jerry: Well, it's like a snob club that sells delicacies, mainly honey based products. You'll see what it is like when we arrive. Oh, I'm having Evergreen Tops flashbacks.

Chapter 1

Investigate Outdoors tables
Jerry: They killed Samantha Blassier?! The news are gonna spread this info like peanut butter- I don't know what I'm saying at this point.
Jerry: <Name>, Samantha was one of the city councillors and she's a member of the Blassier family, one of the richest families in Blue Coasts. Her death is gonna be an issue.
Jerry: There's no stab wound or gunshot on her body, so I'm assuming that they poisoned her. Maybe we should examine that tea cup that's in front of her chair.
Jerry: Oh, and let's also check her handbag. This murder needs to be solved, <Name>. Blue Coasts' political class has already had enough with the Mayor's arrest!

Autopsy the victim's body
Megan: Did you meet any beekeepers at the ranch, guys? When I went to Nepal, I learned a lot about the way their beekeepers collect honey-
Jerry: Megan, a city councillor has just- A RICH city councillor has been murdered. If we don't make this case our priority, the media and the political class won't leave us alone!
Jerry: I wonder if the Chief gave us this case just to get us stressed out.
Megan: Oh, they would never let a local police branch investigate such a case. The autopsy revealed that Samantha ingested a lethal dose of ethylene glycol, which is not that large.
Megan: You see, ethylene glycol has no color or smell, and it tastes sweet. So if you're gonna poison someone's tea, it's the way to go.
Megan: Your body will then break it into two other substances and from there it only gets worse. What called my attention was that she ingested veeeery little nail polish too, but isn't wearing any.
Jerry: Wait, so the killer must have left some nail polish in her tea after tampering with it!
Megan: That's what it looks like, Jerry! The killer us wearing nail polish and it hadn't even dried well when they decided to murder Samantha Blassier.

Examine Tea cup
Jerry: Good job, <Name>. Now that we collected a sample of Samantha's tea, let's put it under our microscope and see what we find.

Examine Tea sample
Jerry: There was perfume in the tea cup? I don't know if they're filling their cups with whatever at Honey Hill Ranches or if something else happened here...
Jerry: But if the killer poured poison in Samantha's cup, I'm sure that this perfume comes from them! Some good cross-contamination always helps us find more clues!

Examine Handbag
Jerry: So Samantha had this reservation card from Honey Hill Ranch, which has today's date. I mean, it makes sense. After all, she WAS here today.
Jerry: Oh, you're right. There was something else written on the card but now it's faded. Would you try to recover the text, please?

Examine Reservation card
Jerry: The card says "I booked a table for us at 9, don't be late!"... So somebody else made this reservation for Samantha and themselves!
Jerry: I wonder who it is, but it seems like the Chief had the local police make everyone evacuate. The whole place is empty!
Jerry: Well, let's go back inside, maybe we'll find out who was here with the victim.

Investigate Honey Hill Ranch lobby
Jerry: This place feels even cozier when it's quiet. Look, you can see Barragán Lake from the window! The next district we go to will feel like crap no matter what.
Jerry: But back to our job, we should unlock that drawer first if we want to go through it. A smart choice, considering it says "Reservations" on it.
Jerry: Oh, and some worker left their name tag here! Except for... his name is not here. It only has a photo and the words "Hi! I'm here to help."
Jerry: Well, if you identify this guy in our database, we could ask him about Samantha's last minutes here. Come on, let's get to work!

Examine Drawer
Jerry: Amazing! Let's see, there has to be a reservation made for today at 9... Let's see...
Jerry: Here it is! Only one reservation for today at 9 and it was made by...
Jerry: Alicia Appleton?! I told you, <Name>! All of the Evergreen Tops snobs spend time here and one day they'll end up ruining this place too.
Jerry: I wonder what those two could have in common other than being rich. Let's see where we can find this lady, <Name>.

Interrogate Alicia Appleton about her meeting with the victim
Alicia: The two of you again?! I'm assuming you're here due to the death of Samantha... The only time she showed up early and she dies...
Jerry: We are here to discuss that indeed. What was your meeting with her for?
Alicia: We were friends. The Appletons and the Blassiers did some businesses together and I happened to befriend Samantha. The meeting was not for anything in particular.
Jerry: You don't seem too sad about the loss of your friend, Alicia.
Alicia: I cried and I was sad a while ago, but now I'm MAD. As soon as I find out who did this to her, I'll make sure they pay for this!
Jerry: Did Samantha mention anything that you think we should know about?
Alicia: She had told me that she was gonna try to get the City Council to pass an important piece of legislation. But she died before we could discuss it.
Alicia: I left our table to go to the toilet and when I came back, she started... I don't know, having a seizure! It was horrible to watch.

Examine Name tag
Jerry: It turns out this guy is called Fred Sommerville. Well, if he works here, he must have seen the victim this morning when she arrived.
Jerry: Let's interrogate him about all of this...

See if Fred Sommerville saw anything after the victim arrived
Jerry: Good morning, Mr Sommerville. We're here to ask you some questions about the recent murder of Samantha Blassier that took place here this morning.
Fred: Sure, honey, go ahead.
Jerry: Is... is that supposed to be a pun?
Fred: What- Oh, haha! I hadn't thought about that! Sorry, I think I should just call you officer.
Jerry: Deputy Jerry, let's keep it that way- Or Deputy Bryar is better-
Jerry: Ah, um, oh God. So, the murder. Did you notice anything peculiar about the victim?
Fred: Well, it wasn't hard to spot. She had a heated argument with another one of our clients right in this place. And let me tell you, she lost the argument.
Jerry: Did such a thing happen? Who is that other client, Fred- sir?
Fred: Scarlett Svykozsky, the wife of the new Mayor. I wouldn't say that she killed her, but if I were you, I'd talk to her, Deputy Bryar.
Fred: Or should I call you Jerry since you just called me Fred?
Jerry: Uhm, ehehe, yeah, we're just gonna... Go and interrogate Mrs Svykozsky.
Jerry: Let's go, <Name>! andnomentionofthisonourwaythere.

Question Scarlett Svykozsky about her argument with the victim
Scarlett: What's the issue, officers? The first lady of Blue Coasts can't be bothered now.
Jerry: The first WHAT?! Um, Mrs Svykozsky, we're here because a city councillor has just been murdered.
Scarlett: Oh...! Is that one of the duties that a first lady has?
Jerry: Um, sure! The first lady plays a key role in the... death of a public official. It's in the protocol. The councillor in question is Samantha Blassier.
Scarlett: Ah, Samantha! Is she dea?! I talked to her this very morning!!!
Scarlett: I met her at a Honey Hill Ranch by chance. She talked to me about a piece of legislation she wanted to bring up at the Council.
Jerry: May we know what it was about?
Scarlett: A ridiculous idea there's no point in discussing. I'll organize a public funeral for her right away.

Shortly afterwards...

Jerry: Who would have thought our first case in New Lakeland was gonna be this tough? Dealing with the death of a public official is no walk in the park!
Jerry: It's definitely not easy when we have to also deal with the First Lady of Blue Coasts, Mrs Scarlett Svykozsky, who won't tell us what Samantha's project was.
Jerry: Maybe Alicia could have told us about it, but Samantha died before she could let her know what her plan was. I wonder if that's the motive behind her murder.
Jerry: Oh, haha, and there's Mr Sommerville too, right? But he wouldn't kill a bug, so I guess we should leave him out of this case and not talk about him ever again.
James: Hey, Jerry! Can you come pick up the phone? Someone wants to talk to you!
Jerry: I'm working on a murder case, James. Who is it?
James: A guy called Fred Sommerville. He says he knows you and <Name>.

Chapter 2

James: Can you talk to Mr Sommerville on the phone or not, Jerry? I can't have him waiting forever!
Jerry: I guess I have no choice, um... Mr Sommerville, Deputy Bryar here.
Fred: So we're back to Mr and Deputy, ok. Listen, one of the beekeepers here found Samantha Blassier's handbag in the apiary, and I know you're investigating her death.
Fred: The local police are snooping around the place too, so if you don't hurry up they'll run away with your evidence.
Jerry: The apiary? What was that lady doing there?
Jerry: In any case, thanks very much for your co-operation! We'll be going there in just a minute.

Investigate Apiary
Jerry: Here it is! We found Samantha's handbag before the local police did, thank God. Let's see what she was keeping inside here.
Jerry: I also can't help but wonder why Samantha came all the way back to the apiary. I don't think regular customers are allowed here.
Jerry: We could identify the owner of this beekeeper mask to ask them what the victim was doing here, but first we should use our vacuum to get rid of the honey and dirt stains on it.
Jerry: Let's do this, <Name>! The media must be already talking about Samantha's death and we have no time to waste.

Examine Handbag
Jerry: OH DEAR, WE FOUND IT! This folder says "Legislation Project" and Samantha's name is on it. This is the reason behind her fight with Scarlett.
Jerry: It is very long so we don't have time to read it and I don't think I'd really understand what this is about, but Hans is a lawyer!
Jerry: I'm sure he'll be able to tell us what this project was about, I'll ask him to take a look at it.

Analyze Legislation project
Hans: I never thought the City Councillors were capable of any good work, but I'm impressed with this. Samantha Blassier seems to have been a smart and educated woman.
Jerry: Is the project really that good? I mean, I don't think anything impresses you.
Hans: I don't know how good it will end up being but it's excellently written. This project is about something that you already know about, guys.
Hans: State assistance for the victims of sexual exploitation at the hands of former mayor Akiko Miyadai and her accomplices.
Hans: She says in this document that the state should make up for the damage that the state itself caused to its population. Her argumentation was... ah, delightful!
Jerry: So Scarlett got mad at Samantha for trying to help the victims of The Kitty Cats?? I wonder if Danniel is also against this legislation project.
Jerry: <Name>, now that we know what the fuss between them was about, we should have another conversation with Lady Svykozsky, don't you think?

Talk to Scarlett Svykozsky about the victim's legislation project
Scarlett: You again? MORE WORK?! I'm so stressed out my perfume is already wearing out!
Jerry: Well, no one said being a first lady was easy. We came here because we found Samantha's legislation project and we'd like to know why you were so mad at it.
Scarlett: You have that project?! I order you to give that document to me RIGHT NOW!!!
Jerry: We don't even have it here with us! Explain why you don't want that bill to pass.
Scarlett: Because Samantha always told me I was just a dumb rich wannabe! Now that I'm the first lady, I was determined to make her life hell!
Scarlett: Besides, Danniel told me that there was no way that such project could even make it to the Council so I know it's a bad idea.
Scarlett: Now, if you keep disrespecting the authority of Blue Coasts' first lady, I-
Jerry: There's no such thing as-! Forget it!

Examine Beekeeper mask
Jerry: Oh, look, this has a name written on it! I just couldn't read because of all the dirt on it, but now we know who the owner of the mask is.
Jerry: Well, we only know their name, but I don't think there is more than one beekeeper named Winston who works here. Let's look for him!

Ask Winston Lucker if he saw the victim at the apiary
Jerry: Good noon, sir. We want to talk to you about the murder of Samantha Blassier at the Honey Hill Ranch where you work.
Winston: Agh, that disgusting woman! God bless her soul, but she was a c*nt!
Jerry: Well, I'm assuming you know her, right? After all, we know she went to the apiary this morning so she must have run into you.
Winston: Not me, she ran into the bees! She disturbed our bees and started making a scene because she said the bees were attacking her!
Winston: She dropped her handbag and I told her to just leave the damn place. Then I told the shop workers about the handbag and they said she'd been killed.
Jerry: So I guess there's not much more you can tell us about her. Well, thanks for your time.

Back at the police station...

Jerry: So we finally found out what Samantha's project was, <Name>. Helping the victims of sexual exploitation that suffered because of Akiko's political ambition.
Jerry: I really wish she would have found another way to earn money for her political career. However, it seems that the new Mayor doesn't care about The Kitty Cats either.
Jerry: I thought he would be different, but Scarlett said clearly that Danniel doesn't even want the project to be discussed at the Council.
Jerry: You would think that "cleaning the Socialist Coalition's name", as Akiko asked him to do, would involve passing this bill. It's the perfect choice to make himself look good!
Jerry: In the eyes of the public, it would show that he's clearly not supportive of Akiko's corruption. But now the project is in our HQ, <Name>. It's a huge responsibility!
Jerry: We should go back to the ranch to clear our heads and keep investigating... and NO, I don't want to run into anybody there. Let's go.

Investigate Shop counter
Jerry: Whew, thank God there's still nobody here. I wonder what this empty vial is doing just lying around here. Just in case, let's put it under the microscope to see what was in it.
Jerry: Ah, there's also a torn note here. We could restore it to see what it says. And it looks like we also have a notepad that the workers have been using.
Jerry: I can bring the carbon powder kit so we can see what they wrote here. There's no time to lose!

Examine Vial
Jerry: There was ethylene glycol in that vial?! That's the murder weapon, there's no way this is just a coincidence! The killer was the one who brought this vial for sure.
Jerry: I'll give it to Kyle asap, he'll be able to find some sort of clue about the culprit!

Analyze Vial
Jerry: I can't believe we haven't been harassed by reporters yet... I'd still like to solve this case quickly because once the media finds out, it's done.
Kyle: Don't worry, I have something that might help you solve the case! At first I thought analyzing this vial was useless because I just saw ethylene glycol.
Kyle: Until I thought about analyzing the outside of the vial! After a couple of tests, I identified traces of saliva and some other substances. Just some cross-contamination.
Kyle: But the thing is, this killer eats honey candy! I'm sure they sell these right at the ranch.
Jerry: They do, and they're delicious! I'll write that down, <Name>. Also remind me to buy more of those.

Examine Torn note
Jerry: Is this a complaint? This note says "the worker at the front desk replied in a nasty tone to me and was not helpful at all", signed by Samantha Blassier.
Jerry: Isn't the one at the front desk... Fred? It seems that Scarlett was not the only person our victim argued with this morning, <Name>.
Jerry: Ahh, fine. Looks like we're gonna have to interrogate him one more time.

Ask Fred Sommerville about the victim's complaint
Fred: You're back? I thought you weren't gonna talk to me again, I mean, that's what I heard you say over the phone.
Jerry: Did you hear that?! No, no, I meant we wouldn't interrogate you as a suspect because I'm very sure you're not Samantha's killer.
Fred: Oh, so you came just to have a conversation with me?
Jerry: Er... No, we came to interrogate you as a suspect. We found a complaint from Samantha Blassier saying that you were rude to her. Is that true?
Fred: Do I look like a rude person to you? SHE was the one who acted patronizing and got mad when I asked her to keep the levels respectful.
Fred: I can promise you, even when I'm mad, I'm sweeter than all of the honey you can see in this place.
Jerry (smiling nervously): I'll take your word for it... By the way, what perfume are you wearing?
Fred: You noticed? Thank you, but don't bother, I bought it at Walgreens.

Examine Notepad
Jerry: The last note written here says "Chamomile tea - Samantha, Volutto coffee 1 pastry - Alicia, Table 9".
Jerry: Looks like the victim's order... It makes sense that it's the last order they took, I don't think they'd keep serving customers after a murder.
Jerry: You know, we didn't think about the possibility of Samantha's tea being poisoned by the person who prepaired it. Why don't we ask... um... Fred... who's in charge of the orders?

Ask Sally Michigan about the victim's order
Jerry: Sorry for bothering you, Ms Michigan. They told us you're the one in charge of prepairing the customers' orders. Is that correct?
Sally: It is. I guess you want to talk about the lady that died this morning.
Jerry: Exactly. Do you know who could have poisoned her drink?
Sally: I know all suspicions are on me, but I promise I didn't do anything, officers. I've been the most nervous out of all people because I knew I'd be a suspect!
Sally: I don't want to blame other people for her death because I don't really know who did it.
Jerry: Don't worry, we'll keep investigating. And please don't shower yourself in perfume, I'm starting to feel dizzy just by being in the same room with you.

A tidbit of minutes later...

Jerry: So we have a new suspect now, Sally, who could have easily poisoned Samantha's tea since she was the one who made it.
Jerry: Do you think she could have done it? I mean, Alicia had a very big opportunity to do it as well. She was sitting next to the victim after all.
Jerry: And I just can't get that legislation project out of my head. What should we do with it?
John: You must be Deputy Jerry and <Rank> <Name>, right? Good afternoon, I'm John-Richard Way, Commander of the New Lakeland Police Branch.
Jerry: Good afternoon, Commander! We heard that your squad was operating at Honey Hill Ranch too.
John: Yes, that's exactly why I'm here. I need you to give me Samantha Blassier's legislation project right now.

Chapter 3

John: And, what are you waiting for, <Rank> <Name>? Where is Samantha Blassier's legislation project?
Jerry: We are investigating her murder and that document is evidence, Commander. We're keeping it.
John: Unless you're Chief Nearnight, I am your boss from the moment you set foot on New Lakeland. If you want to avoid further trouble, hand it in.
George: Jerry, give that document to Commander Way. Don't get yourself in trouble.
Jerry: ... It's in Hans' office.
John: Thanks, I'll go look for Hans myself.
Jerry: ANOTHER Commander with questionable behavior?! Is this man involved in the Mayor's political censorship of both the economic situation and the legislation project?
George: Just because he's not our friend, it doesn't mean he's our enemy. Remember Eva? We judged her and time proved we were wrong. We don't know this guy's intentions either.
George: I don't know who told him we had that document, but we already know what it says and knowing Hans, he must have already made a copy of it.
Jerry: Scarlett must have been the one to tell him, it seems he's a friend of the Svykozskies.
Jerry: Why is everyone SO interested in that project? <Name>, why don't we go back to the apiary and see if Samantha left something else there?

Investigate Beehives
Jerry: You want to check if there's anything under that pile of grass? Ok, but I think that this cellphone is a better clue, right?
Jerry: It could be Samantha's one, if it was in her handbag when she dropped it. And we can also try to restore that torn napkin if you're interested.
Jerry: As long as this case is not in the press, we'll be able to investigate peacefully.

Examine Pile of grass
Jerry: Oh, there's a dead bee here! Poor little girl. I wonder how she ended up like this outside of her beehive.
Jerry: I don't think it's related to the murder, but I wouldn't like to think these beekeepers can't handle bees correctly.
Jerry: Well, I guess asking Ousman to check what happened to this bee won't take much time off our schedule, right?

Analyze Dead bee
Ousman: This hive may be in trouble now, guys. This was a queen bee! See the paint stain on it? Beekeepers do that to identify the queen and also her age.
Ousman: And it seems that this one was a young queen! Now the worker bees are going to make an emergency queen most probably.
Jerry: They MAKE one? Well, but why did the bee die?
Ousman: Oh, I'd say she was most definitely hurt badly and on purpose. Sometimes beekeepers hurt the queen to have the workers kill her, but not this way.
Jerry: They do WHAT?! Oh, but anyway it seems someone killed this bee. <Name>, we should talk to that grumpy beekeeper and ask him what's going on.

Ask Winston Lucker about the dead bee
Jerry: Excuse us, Mr Lucker, we found a dead queen bee near the hives. We wanted to know if the bees were being handled correctly by the staff here.
Winston: Of course they are! It was that woman, Samantha, who killed my queen!
Winston: She was just wandering around and before I could stop her, she started disturbing the hives and the bees went crazy! They know what to do to hive attackers.
Winston: But she started attacking them too! Somehow, she ended up squeezing the queen against the hive and of course, I went insane too.
Winston: I take each bee as my responsibility. Every product we sell in the front lobby is made possible due to the hard work of both the bees and the beekeepers.
Winston: Particularly our famous honey candies, which are just the best! Even the guy from the front desk eats like fifteen every day!
Jerry: Oh! You mean... Mr Sommerville?
Winston: Yeah, the one that looks like a rock singer but talks like a girl. And that woman put all of our hard work at risk! Because she was an *ss to the bees!

Examine Cellphone
Jerry: Samantha is in the wallpaper, <Name>! This is her cellphone, we've found a gold mine! Let's see who she'd been messaging these days.
Jerry: Her chat with Alice is here, let's take a look. Um, they were talking about Samantha's project and Alicia said...
Jerry: "That piece of legislation is a TERRIBLE idea. We'll discuss it at Honey Hill Ranch tomorrow."
Jerry: Wait, so not only is Alicia against the bill too, she lied to us about not knowing what it said! I'm REALLY mad now, <Name>!
Jerry: We deserve an explanation and this woman is going to give it to us NOW.

Confront Alicia Appleton about the victim's project
Alicia: You're here again? I've already told you everything I know, what else do you want from me?
Jerry: To know why you lied. We already know you met Samantha this morning to convince her about her legislation project being a terrible idea. Your first mistake was lying to us.
Jerry: And the second one was not caring about the victims of sexual exploitation.
Alicia: Listen, in case you don't know, I have a degree in economics. In our current situation, freely giving away money to a thousand people would mean an economic disaster!
Alicia: All economies enter recessions, it's normal. But one thing is letting it naturally happen, and a different one is falling face to the floor into a pit of chaos.
Jerry: I knew about the current situation but I hadn't linked those two things...
Alicia: Look, I'm not a mean evil person. There has to be some way to help those girls other than putting money in their pockets. You know what I mean?
Alicia: And by the way, is the ranch still closed to the public? I want to buy some of their honey candy.
Jerry: It's still closed, I'm afraid. Oh, and nice perfume by the way... You got that, <Name>?

Examine Torn napkin
Jerry: There was a message on this napkin that said "Enjoy your last time here as a customer, Samantha". Is it just me or is this a threat?
Jerry: If they gave her a napkin with this message, it has to be Sally who wrote it. She was the one who prepaired her order! Why would she say this?
Jerry: Maybe the wind blew it all the way to the apiary or maybe Samantha still had it with her when she dropped her handbag, but if it's torn up she must have read it in any case.
Jerry: <Name>, let's go and ask Sally what this message to the victim was about.

Question Sally Michigan about the message on a napkin
Sally: You're back, officers! Would you like some of the most delicious honey candy in the city? Even the Mayor's wife buys it! Each one is a quarter.
Jerry: Yes, please, here's 5 dollars. By the way, we wanted to know if you wrote a message to Samantha Blassier on a napkin.
Sally: Oh... That. I did, yes. Why do you ask? Here you are, 20 honey candies.
Jerry: Well, threatening someone right before they get killed is not a good look on you. And thank you.
Sally: Threatening? I told her it was her last time here as a customer because she was going to buy the company. She was gonna be the owner.
Sally: Honey Hill Ranches are looking for new owners and Samantha was interested, but now she's not going to be able to do it...

Back at the police station...

Jerry: We did find out some interesting things, <Name>. Samantha wanted to buy all of the Honey Hill Ranches, Fred loves honey candy- Wait, not that one.
Jerry: Oh, and we finally know why the Mayor is against Samantha's project. From a legal point of view, it seems to be amazing but its economic consequences not so much.
Jerry: If the Council passes that bill, Blue Coasts will spiral down into a deep recession. Which sucks, because those girls deserve to get some kind of help.
Violet: Em... You might want to take a look at this, <Name>. The murder is already in the news.
Jerry: HUH?! <Name>, quick, let's go back to the crime scene before the press starts wanting to go there and they ruin everything!

Investigate Garden floor
Jerry: There's a handkerchief on the floor? Don't tell me that there have already been people lurking around this place!
Jerry: It has some kind of... coat of arms embroidered on it. Let's examine it to see who left it here, and then we can...
Jerry: Take a look at that plate? But why?
Jerry: Oh, you're right! They serve tea cups on these little plates, so this must be the victim's one. If we examine it, we might find some clue.
Jerry: Let's get to work! If we don't arrest Samantha's killer, we'll get a public reputation of our own.

Examine Coat of arms
Jerry: The Blassier family? Why do they have a coat of arms? This is ridiculous! I'm gonna come up with a coat of arms for the House of Bryar one of these days.
Jerry: Hang on, this means that it has to be Samantha's handkerchief! So the journalists have not ruined the crime scene yet. Fantastic!
Jerry: I'll give this to Kyle so he can see if Samantha left any evidence on it.

Analyze Handkerchief

Examine Small plate
Jerry: Nice job collecting that sample, <Name>. Let's send it to Kyle's lab and we'll find out if it contains any relevant evidence!

Analyze Liquid sample
