Criminal Case Official Fan-Fiction Wiki

chapter 1[]

Chapter 2[]

Chapter 3[]

Nicole: Saundra sanders?! You killed Sally? You're the LAw Supreme Leader?!

Saundra: WHAT?! YOu think i'm a killer and terrorist?!

Nicole: You're the only possible suspect

Nicole: You waited for us at the core, following Rupert's suggestion of killing one of us

Nicole: And when Sally drifted away, that's when you struck!

Nicole: Using a lzer gun to cu her into pieces! 

Nicole: THat's not even accounting for all the lives you've ended as Supreme Leader!

Nicole: We got you, Saundra. 

Saundra: I see

Saundra: Well, I suppose there's no denying it. You are 100% correct!

Saundra: I killed Sally and i'm the Supreme Leader

Nicole: But...why! What on earth made you become the Supreme Leader

Saundra: Recall when Jackson was in charge of your police force? Well, during that time, where criminals went unpunished

Saundra: All my friends and family, excluding my sister and Sally, were murdered, and their killers went unpunished

Saundra: I thought Sally, at least would make a diffrence, but nothing CHANGED

Saundra: I grew up resentingthe legal system, because if this was how the law worked, then I was not going to support it!

Saundra: Then I learned about this organization called The Law, and I knew, I knew I was gonna join it. 

Saundra: Apperently they were waiting for me, as my grandfather as Supreme Leader, he too shared my greivences 

Saundra: Anyway, I soon became Supreme Leader, and plans that had been in the works for decades were now being put into affect

Nicole: But the police force got their act together, Saundra. There is no pint to your movement, not anymore. 

Saundra: Your involvement was too little, too late. 

Saundra: I killed Sally, in part, due to how she let the legal system down. 

Saundra: Maybe if she'd done something, we wouldn't have had to kill so many.

Saundra: But she didn't so she was going to die!

Saundra: I'll admit I hesitated, even teared up, we used to be best friends, but there was no going back.

Saundra: You've been a good opponet <rank><name>, while The Law will never die, and we will succeed tonight

Saundra: I admit, of anyone who had to ake me down, i'm gad it was you. Since you're more honorabe than anyone else in the police force

Saundra: Guess we'll meet in court

Adam WIlkes: Saundra Sanders, it appears you're not only Sally Minghi's killer..

Adam: But also the Law Supreme Leader!

Saundra: I don't deny these accusations. As they are correct

Adam: Do you not feel guilt?!

Saundra: I do feel some, yes, but we all do horrible things for what e believe in

Saundra: I am against all the murder we did, I never condoned it

Saundra: But we had to do that for what we beieve in 

Adam: And what about the volcano, he meteroites?!

Saundra:..Pardon? You mean those aren't natural?

Saundra: You mean to say my organazation did that?!

Adam: YES

Saundra: This was never- 

Saundra: WHO DID THAT?!

Adam: For your crimes, I sentence you to death in 14 years!

Saundra: <rank><name>, We may need to have a discussion!

Delaney: <name>, I heard the news

Delaney: Saundra killed my girlfriend! 

Delaney: Saundra always seemed so nice, why did she...? 

Nicole: Well,  it appears she did all of her crimes for what she believed in

Nicole: Which was a ne legalsystem

Nicole: But it seems Saundra wants to speak with us, as does Eugene. 

Nicole: Ourwork is far from over!

Conclusion 1/1[]
