Criminal Case Official Fan-Fiction Wiki

Case script made by The life project101


Lonely Belle


Chapter 1

Lonely Belle Chapter 1

Roma: I couldn't believe we got picked to work at Kingstale's police department, [Name]!

Roma: I heard you had a job before this one, so I can't wait to work with you!

Roma: I wonder how skilled you really are, to work in the World order brigade must've been so cool

Chief Majiuve: Roma, [Name] we need you down at the city center, someone found a body on the statue...

Roma: A body?! Finally, I can see your skills in action [Name]! Let's go!


City center statue:

Roma: Geez, I never thought it would be this dark, I wonder why don't they build streetlamps?

Roma: I know [Name], I know we should focus on the case, not the streets being dark...


City center statue

City center statue

Belle's body-0

Found victim's body

Pile of leaves

Found pile of leaves

Card of buisness-0

Found business card


Roma: So I see our victim is frozen... poor girl, I can't imagine the pain of a slit throat and then being...

Roma: Yeah let's focus on the evidence you picked up!

Roma: Leaves? Umm, I think you should deal with such a dirty job...don't look at me like that I don't want to ruin my manicure...

Roma: Hmm? What's that? A business card? A certain drama association card, there's a number there, but it's too faded to read, can you make it readable again?

Milina: La, la, la, la...

Roma: What's that noise?

Roma: You're right! That woman is trespassing at a crime scene!

Roma: Hey! You! Stop right there!


Milinas profile-0


Added Milina's profile.




Milina Crops:

Talking milina 2
Roma: You are trespassing at a crime scene!
Talking milina 3
Roma: Very funny, but you are going to the precinct for you

to not get away, and, please cover that wound up, it is quite big.

Talking milina 4


The body (18:00:00)

Belle's body-0

Aluza: Hello [Name], and Roma welcome to the coroner's office.

Aluza: And I must say that the body you sent me was quite interesting.

Aluza: The victim's throat was slashed and I can see that someone tried to do the famous Columbian necktie.

Aluza: Someone tried to pull the victim's tongue out, but I see that they gave up...

Aluza: But not only did they try the Columbian necktie, the killer completely shattered the victim's pelvis.

Aluza: It's like the killer wanted the victim to suffer as much as possible.


Aluza: Ummm...Roma? You look kinda green.

Roma: How can you say all of this with a straight face?

Aluza: Would I work as a coroner if I couldn't?

Aluza: Well, I took a closer look at the body and found a camera hidden near her garters...

Roma: You...ummm...looked there...?

Aluza: It just surprises me how weirded out you are... I am a coroner, it is my job.

Aluza: Anyway, the camera had a picture of the attack and on it was a picture of a wound.

Aluza: I can say that the wound is not fresh, and the victim posses no such wound, that means...

Roma: That the murderer has a wound!

Roma: Oh you're right that trespasser had a clear wound, let's write that down!

The killer has a wound.

Milina Crops has a wound.


Pile of leaves (Found Lipstick)

Pile of leaves

Roma: So what was inside that filthy pile of leaves?

Roma: A lipstick? Thank you, you are so nice, you are a really nice partner.

Roma: It's not for me?... Oh, you mean it could lead us to a suspect...

Roma: Well might as well let you trace a few fingerprints off it...


Lipstick (Lifted off prints)


Roma: You actually found prints?

Roma: Well let's send it to our techie Amanda then...

Roma: Amanda may be a strange person, but she sure can get the job done...


Fingerprints (3:00:00)


Amanda: Welcome to the office of the nerds!

Amanda: I am Amanda Love the head of all things related to technology and fingerprint filling!

Amanda: Now down to business! The fingerprints you found on that lipstick belong to...

Amanda: Mori Thompson! This individual is a famous Kingstale news reporter...

Amanda: And by famous, I mean known to be quite annoying while interviewing people.

Roma: Well let's bring this Thompson into questioning!

Mori profile



Added Mori's profile.




Mori Thompson:

Talking Mori 1
Roma: Cut your stupid act, Mori! We want to know if you had any affiliations

with a certain Belle Harding?

Talking Mori 2
Roma: We don't need your services because our victim isn't missing...
Talking Mori 3
Roma: Hmmm, I guess your scoop will have to wait a while longer.

Mori has a wound.


Business card (Revealed number +123 561 33)

Card of buisness-1

Roma: Hah! You made the number legible again!

Roma: You're right, we should call the person and ask them to come into the precinct.

*Ring* *Ring*

???: Hello, Jasmin Bells of the drama association speaking, would you like to join our association?

Roma: I'm sorry, but you are speaking to the Kingstale PD officers, we would like you to come into the precinct.

Jasmin: I'm sorry, but can you please come into the drama association meeting quarters?

Jasmin: I'm sorry, but our quarters are busy, so I can't leave the work to my subordinates alone...

Roma: Fine wait there, we are coming to see you.

Jasmin profile



Added Jasmin's profile.





Jasmin Bells:

Talking Jasmin 1-0
Roma: You didn't do anything wrong...yet

Anyway, do you know Belle Harding?

Talking Jasmin 2
Roma: Thank you for the information. And please take this band-aid, that wound

is quite big.

Talking Jasmin 3
Roma: Well, if we need to see you again, we will surely come back.


Roma: Now this case is a doozy, we have our victim that was left on that statue.

Roma: We inspected every lead, but we only uncovered suspects, not places that the victim visited last...

Roma: You're right [Name], we should write everything down that happen.

Roma: So first of all, Milina "happen" to stumble upon the crime scene, but no connections to the victim were found...

Roma: Then there's Ms. Thompson, the woman's clearly hiding more than she lets on, but we need evidence if we want to crack her...

Roma: And lastly there's Jasmin, she really doesn't fit into the list of murdering suspects...phu...If there was a new lead...

Jason: ...phew...phew...

Roma: Officer Jason?! Why do you look so tired?

Jason: There is a woman saying she knows the victim!

Roma: What?!

Jasmin has a wound.

Chapter 1 end


Chapter 2

Lonely Belle Chapter 2

Jason: ...phew...phew...

Roma: Officer Jason?! Why do you look so tired?

Jason: There is a woman saying she knows the victim!

Roma: What?!

???: Hello! Jasmin told me that you knew about Belle...

Roma: Yes...And you are?


Roma: I'm sorry? Did I offend you?

???: No, no. It's me who's rude, I didn't introduce myself.

Amelia: I am Jasmin's sister Amelia, a student in the Kingstale university.

Roma: So you're her sister, huh. Anyway we would like to question you!

Amelia profile



Added Amelia's profile.




Amelia Bells:

Roma: We heard you saying that you knew Ms. Bells. Can you please tell us what

you know about her and how was your relationship with her.

Talking Amelia 1
Roma: Can you please elaborate on the relationship with Belle and Saki?!
Talking Amelia 2
Roma: Would you know where is this Saki Bells?
Talking Amelia 3


Beneton doctor's office:

Roma: Brrrr...I never liked doctors, they give me the chills. Those needles, cold equipment and...

Roma: Yeah, it seems that nobody is here. A perfect time to investigate!


Beneton Doctor's office

Beneton doctor's office

Medicine box

Found medicine box


Found sanitary glove


Roma: Receipts, receipts, letters, equipment...

Roma: I never thought that doctor's had so much useless junk...

Roma: Please tell me that you found something...

Roma: A medicine box? You're right, somebody with a wound could've used a bandage and left something behind!

Roma: And I see you picked up a sanitary glove?

Roma: Well, let's send it to my sis Marie.

Saki: Excuse me. But my appointment is next, I like to be precise with can you go?

Roma: Mam' you are talking to police officers, not your friends!

Saki: Oh, then I am very sorry. I guess you want to interrogate me, am I correct?

Roma: Yes, so please wait here.

Saki profile



Added Saki's profile.




Saki Bells:

Roma: We heard you had bad relations with Belle Harding, would you elaborate

on this?

Talking Saki 1
Roma: She seems to be quite a rival...
Talking Saki 2


Box of medicine (found bloody sickle)

Medicine box

Roma: So what did you find?

Roma: A bloody sickle! You're right, it could be the murder weapon!

Roma: Let's send this thing to sis, she could easily find what's so special about it.


Bloody sickle (6:00:00)

Bloody sickle

Marie: This is very romantic, but I don't want a hearth ache Roma.

Roma: Excuse me?

Marie: I guess you wouldn't get the reference because that sickles meaning isn't common knowledge.

Marie: But that sickle means a loves death, it's name also alludes to this, because the name of this item is hearths ache. Or something similar, probably, maybe?

Marie: It was commonly used to kill cheating women or men, usually it meant a cheaters death or somebody's want for the other's eternal silence.

Roma: Well, thank you for the history lesson, but what did you find on it?

Marie: Well first of all the victim's blood was clearly on the weapon, secondly stains of "Eu de Feum" perfume were found and I can say that the victim didn't wear any.

Roma: So the killer wears "Eu de Feum" perfume! Let's write this down!


Roma: OK, so our killer uses "Eu de Feum", so let's think which of our suspects uses it...

Roma: Milina and Mori, use it in large quantities, so much that they reek of it...

Roma: The only one who uses it with moderation is Jasmin...

Milina uses "Eu de Feum".

Mori uses "Eu de Feum".

Jasmin uses "Eu de Feum".


Glove (1:00:00)


Marie: This is the first time I had to bother and spend time on a thing like this.

Marie: The prints inside the glove were badly damaged by sweat and disinfectants.

Roma: So the glove proved to be fruitless, huh?

Marie: I didn't say that did I?

Marie: I'm pretty sure you know a certain Milina crops? Well, the prints belong to her.

Roma: If her glove was found there, that could indicate that she met with Belle!

Roma: Let's interrogate that lying brat!


Milina Crops:

Roma: Ms. Crops we found your glove here, we have reason to believe that you

were more acquainted with the victim then you let on.

Talking milina 5
Roma: Proud of your work? Do you mean you work here? And you operated

on the victim?

Talking milina 6


Roma: I still think that Milina is hiding something, but her mentioning food 'n' places could lead us to something!

Roma: Yeah, let's get some ramen!

Rome: I-I mean to find evidence...yes...I definitely meant that...totally...


Food 'n' places

Food 'n' places


Found notebook


Found hair pin


Found pearl


Roma: Look [Name]! The Ramen's 50% off! The days special is 70% off! And look the soup is free with the meal!

Roma: ...What? I'm hungry...

Roma: Yes, I know we should investigate, so show me what ya got.

Roma: A notebook, I'll get the powder to make the writing visible.

Roma: Oh! And a hair pin, I guess you'll need the powder more than once.

Roma: that a pearl? We'll need more information if we want to examine it, it could be just a dud.

Roma: So are you ready? I'm ready to open the kit!


Notebook (Revealed notebook):


Roma: So what does it say?

Roma:'s full of questions, "About life", "About career", "About personal hobbies".

Roma: There's only one person who would do this, and it's a certain Mori Thompson...


Mori Thompson:

Roma: Mori Thompson, why have you hidden your involvement with Ms. Harding? We

have found your notebook with the questions for the victim.

Talking Mori 4
Roma: But why did she want to keep your interview secret?
Talking Mori 5
Roma: Why didn't you tell us sooner!? This could mean that the killer killed the victim

for this! Can we get this photo?!

Talking Mori 6

