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About Criminal Case
Criminal Case - -2

Criminal Case (commonly abbreviated as "CC") is a detective-themed hidden object game released on November 15, 2012 for Facebook. An iOS version was released worldwide on August 28, 2014, followed by an Android version on April 15, 2015. Developed and published by French indie studio Pretty Simple, Criminal Case has over ten million average monthly users. On December 9, 2013, Criminal Case was crowned the Facebook Game of the Year 2013.
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Case of the Month: January 2020 - "Out of Time!"
After making it to Purgatory, it's your job to find Duncan and Kia, but will you do it before it's too late and YOU will be dragged into hell!

Expaei and the player walk down into the building, the emperor's eyes shining bright, leading the way. They found a man who tried to sell them some things. Expaei declined and asked if he saw Duncan or Kia. The man then laughed and said that there was no way of getting to Kia, as she was queen of the demons through her grandfather and father. Expaei and the player were shocked but the man carried on and said that he did see Duncan, he then led them. After getting this information, they found out that Duncan wasn't there and so they looked for witnesses. They found murder victim, Kimberly Diart, and the dead chief of the New Parinaita Police force, Knox Ties, who told them that he saw Duncan in the monster room, to which he told them to be careful.

They went to the monster room and found clues that helped them make their dead friend, Wolfgang Zieglar, who was murdered before leaving, they also got Kimberly's killer and victim, Amy Wells, who didn't want anything about Duncan, after he pulled a knife on her. After talking to their witnesses, a man came up to them and gave them a postcard from Duncan, they uncovered the writing and found out he was in the clock room. They found him and he laughed and told them everything they already knew, but revealed that he now had an army of monsters, ready to kill them, if they got in their way. read more...

Case of the Month: January 2020 - "Don't Trust Anyone"
The expedition finally comes to an end as one final body is buried under the snow! With these chips activated to trigger at any minute, watch your back...
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After the events of last case, Abril and the player plan on arresting Claire after discovering her involvement in the chip infusion. However, when arriving at the entrance, they discover two bodies. They discover the unconscious psychologist, lying face-first in the snow, and a hand holding a camera protruding out of a pile of snow. After digging the snow out, they discover the body of expedition leader Savannah Mac, brutally bludgeoned and stabbed in the chest. They watch the tape, Savannah apologizing to the whole expedition for being a bad leader, saying she couldn't handle it anymore until a figure in a dark parka came up to Savannah and ending her life on camera.

They speak to Claire who was successfully thawed by Endar, who explained that Savannah contacted her to run, and that was the last thing she remembered before being rendered unconscious. They investigated the security room, suspecting security team leader Oliver Lund after his dartboard with the victim's photo and expedition author Ben Witchell who was felt insulted that Savannah disliked his previous work and didn't trust him enough to give him actual tasks. After Endar confirmed that the blow to the head and stab wounds were from the same weapon, Abril and the player stood outside when they saw smoke rising from a distance. read more...

Highlights of the Year 2019

The final case of Berrini awaits us all when it's stained with bloodshed of a heroic man. Who fell for the bravery of justice in this final chapter?
After Mayor Patricia Osborne had ordered the team to give up three of their own in order to be accepted into the utopia, Jordan, Edward and Luke all had volunteered to give themselves up, which led to a teary farewell before the three heroes went off to the Mayor’s hidden laboratory. Soon after, a worried Astrid and the player were informed by Nikolai that the trio had separated at a hidden laboratory, with one of them vanishing off Nikolai’s radar map. Determined and willing to fight, Astrid and the player were granted permission by Chief Crosby to go to the Mayor’s utopian laboratory and save their missing friend. However, the duo got to the utopian laboratory and found, much to Astrid’s sorrow, their own BPD senior detective Luke Leon-Mathieu, stabbed with an icicle and his body partially frozen. read more...

The serial killer strikes once again as a body is left devoured in a lone hidden laboratory, where a father had fallen once before.
After the discoveries that Major's in-law family had gone missing due to the Beast's acolyte and that the Beast was originally created in Gregory Blade's laboratory almost twenty years ago, Diana and the player promised to Chief Tempest that they would uncover the Beast's identity, find their missing Laboratory Chief Janice and rescue the Blade and Redmoon families from losing any more to bloodshed. Soon after, the duo headed to the abandoned laboratory to investigate the Beast's reasons for killing and tearing the two families apart with their legend only to discover Joshua's uncle and DJ Abdul Carla, bloodied and mutilated. Ethan then revealed that Abdul was killed to make it look like that the Beast monster had eaten him alive. However, he was sure it was the work of a human. read more...

After learning that Jax, Viktor and Knox's father created retro-tech and brainwashed kids, it's time to go into their home and see what dark secrets hide in the Ties household!
The team arrived at the Ties's house, only to be seem welcomed by Harriet Ties, Harry's wife, who demanded answers as to why they were in the house. After explaining, she let them in and lead them to the living room, where she let out an loud scream at the sight of her cut up husband, Harry Ties, Abanoub lead her out of the room and let the team investigate. They looked at the clues and questioned Harry's Wife, Harriet Ties, who was upset that her husband was dead. The victim's sons, Viktor Von Ties and Jax Nero Ties, and also the victim's daughter, Cherry Ties, who were all very upset to hear about the death of their father. They then got the results of the body and regrouped at the Living room and recapped how closed and weird the family were asking, Ra explained how this could be how the cop with the lose. At that moment, Edward ran in shouting that he remembered before falling to the floor, knocked out before Knox Ties appeared, requesting to see his father's body. read more...

We are on our way to arrest Celine Long and to rescue Liam. However, it seems like someone else got to him first. With a murder to solve and two criminal masterminds free, this will be a rough investigation to handle!
Celine Long, in a panic, called Venusville Justice Fighters and confessed that she is Avery Miller's accomplice and that she is the one who tried to assassinate Chief Vanya Bhakta and Mandy Pregodich. She wanted to redeem herself by finding Madison Black and rescuing Liam Saunders, so she went to the old Order of Specters' cave in order to save him. Immediately, Chief Bhakta told Amber Herrera to go there and save Liam. When they arrived, they only found Celine, who tried to explain them that Madison moved Liam to a different location. Suddenly, they heard a gunshot. Amber tackled the player to the ground to protect them. When they got up, they saw Celine dead with a bullet wound in her heart. They deduced that possibly an OoS member shot her on Avery's orders, or maybe even Avery herself killed her. read more... read more...

Order of Specters have started the freezing and we found a dead body on our parking lot, burning in icy fire. Be brave detective, this investigation just brought more troubles...
Previously, Chief Bhakta and player were talking about Rozetta Pierre's betrayal and about Madison cancelling her plans after Planet X got blown up by Avery Miller. Chief Bhakta told everyone that police from other USA cities arrived in Venusville to find and arrest Rozetta and Avery. Suddenly, Tyler came in Chief's office, his eyes filled with tears. Tyler took a deep breath and explained that somebody, either Rozetta or Avery, activated the freezing machine lastly used during Kemal Kumar's murder investigation. Everyone looked out of the window and saw that sky is slowly turning black, people panicking on streets and crying. Horrified by this scene, Chief told everyone that they must find out where is the freezing machine and how to stop it. She then ordered Amber and player to go out and lead people somewhere warmer and safer before grabbing her gun and going on patrol for Avery and Rozetta herself. read more...

The sparrow has fallen as blood runs through the tranquil waters of Japan... it's the hour of the Dark Lotus, will you make it out in time, or will everything around you crumble to dust?
Upon hearing that Takagi had gone to arrest her brother, Tadashi Miyako, once and for all in Fukuoka, the team raced to the city to save Takagi from harm. Connor quickly put out a patrol to find Takagi, not long before facial recognition software captured her entering a shinto temple. Bradley and the player hurried to the temple, only to find a silent Takagi sitting down and hugging her arms in the corner of the room, and Tadashi pinned to a wall with throwing stars. Bradley soon went over to Takagi and gave her a hug, before telling the player that he was taking her back to the plane, prompting Connor to assign Riya to the investigation. Nia confirmed that Tadashi died quickly after his aorta was pierced, also ascertaining with Penelope that the throwing stars were the same make as those purchased by Dark Lotus in Seoul. read more...

United we stand, divided we fall, this is our final stand... thank you for everything, Detective. We'll never forget you...
Months ago, the team celebrated Anastasia’s entry into the force with a party on the plane. Bradley and Takagi laughed over their friendly rivalry, as Riya and Anthony slow danced to the music. Then, Imran suggested they all take a photo, with Imran soon taking the shot. In the present, Riya, Takagi, the player, and Penelope raced to the Vanishing Point, through the snow and harsh conditions, determined to finish their final mission. The four soon came across a door and smashed the lock, entering inside the base. They then separated to cover more ground, with Riya and the player searching the east side. A while of sneaking around later, the two came across a hidden laboratory, the same laboratory the Zodiac created the bioweapon in. In hopes of sabotaging the operation, the pair entered, only to find team historian Imran Haddid in the corner of the room, his life ended by the bioweapon. read more...

The big moment, the deciding point in the war. The Conductor plans to sell off Warrenville at the highest place of power, City Hall, and now we need to intercept them.
A few days later, the team has prepped their disguises and made their way to city hall for the black market auction. Upon arrival, they were given masks and voice modifiers to hide their identities per the black market's request of anonymity. They headed in and were met with plenty of criminals from all across the world, some of whom they hadn't met or even knew about. A few minutes later they were all called into the municipal courtroom, prompting Lydia to let the others outside know its almost time to strike. They entered, and The Conductor introduced themselves, clad in a black cloak and mask with an undistiguishable voice; welcoming plenty of guests who came on behalf of their evil organizations to claim the city of Warrenville. read more...

We arrive at Ian's costume party waiting for fun, but we only bring despair when we find a guest dressed as a maid with her body half-open!
On the way to Ian's costume party, Evan was fixing the fangs of his vampire costume. Upon arrival, he and the player ran into the body of a maid open in half. Evan thought it was part of the decoration until they met Ian, who passed out when he saw the scene. According to police records, the victim was identified as Heather Garcia, a former prostitute who, thanks to Priscilla's autopsy, was discovered to be pierced by a sharp weapon and then opened in half. They questioned Ian himself, disguised as a samurai, philanthropist and Smileex founder Gladys Doblas, disguised as a witch and, police officer Abaddon Dusk, disguised as a wendigo. Soon after, while they were going to see the security cameras, they found a werewolf and a harlequin tied to a burning tree imitating the Hanged Man Card. read more...

The ghastly echoes of a gothic piano resound around the smoky city of Ravenedge, signalling the dawn of a new era for them all. The Heartbreaker's reign of crimson terror looms over us...
As a panicked Travis raced in and informed them of Ezekiel Havisham's murder, Charity, therefore, told the player and Sienna to rush to the Havisham manor stat. The police then arrived, and, the detectives pushed on. Inside the dark, candlelit study, they heard the ghastly echoes of a piano. They followed the sounds. There, the fallen Mayor sat, his bloodstained fingers playing the piano with precision, his chest a dark abyss with no heart left to beat. As piano sounds resounded further, the duo bagged Ezekiel's body and ended the gothic orchestra. Moira, who clutched a scalpel in one hand, detailed that the victim was drugged with chloroform, before his heart was gruesomely cut from his chest. Draco also ascertained that Ezekiel's body had been laced with complex mechanisms, thus confirming that Ezekiel was the latest, and hopefully last, victim of the sadistic Heartbreaker's reign of terror. After the team successfully identified the killer was a keen listener of Mozart, they searched the city bathed in looming nightfall. read more...

Under mercy of The Alternative, in the cold basement of a cell system, in a cell where we are, a body falls down due to the multiple gunshot wounds...
After the team heard gunshots in a now dark cell sector, and as the door suddenly opened Barb Bellamy quickly went outside and yelled Mia's and Aurora's name, but no one replied. In panic, Barb started to run around to find a switch, but after finding it, only only light bulb shined, revealing just a small area covered in light and blood. She sighed and prayed that neither of girls died as the player quickly searched the area and found another switch and as Barb got closer to the player she tripped over something that after the light turned on became a lifeless body of Gus McGuff. Even with Barb happiness to celebrate that now they can shut down LUMIA's puppet law enforcement agency, the player told her to focus on clues on what Barb rolled her eyes and joined them in hunt for clues. read more...

On the hunt for the Crow’s malicious intentions, an asylum attack occurs and a body is left on the side of the road!
After they were informed of an asylum attack, Chief Wakefield then ordered Felix and the player to head to the asylum to further investigate. However, when they neared the asylum, the player noticed a body lying on an abandoned street just off the main road, the detectives soon finding the corpse of asylum patient and convicted killer Ezra Monaco, his head split open. Jason then confirmed that the killer had sawed the victim's head open and removed his brain. Soon after, they suspected asylum director Dmitri Wendell, the victim's best friend and convicted killer Ethan Blackmoor, medic Kyndall Déchirer and the victim's father and businessman, Jay Monaco in the murder. As the player and Felix mused over this brainless murder, they saw a breathless Katelyn, who told them that she was going for a walk in Vexation Woods and she was sure she saw a bloody brain in a forest clearing. read more...

New year, new decade, and certainly many more new fanon cases and series to look forward to!

It's been a crazy 2019 for all of here on the Criminal Case Official Fanfiction Wiki, and I'm glad we've made it this far to a wiki of prospering writers from various walks of life and location. As we continue our wiki's life of fanmade cases, series, plot twists, loved and hated characters, brilliant plots and chilling mysteries, all to keep ourselves on our tipsy toes, I personally wish you all a New Year from myself and the staff. I hope 2020 will bring us just as much amazing stories and fanfiction as 2019 brought us to end the decade with a bang! Also, please know that every fanmade case is valued and appreciated in a way, and that these highlights are meant to be for fun. Have a fantastic New Year and continue reading, writing, editing, commenting, or whatever you may do these days.

-From the Staff: Tutti, Peters, Jordan, Josh and Jack, January 1st 2020.

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Play Criminal Case on Facebook


Mr. Delorian 9201 Mr. Delorian 9201 16 January

Susan Parker in Case 30 (alternate life 1)

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CriminalJackHarek234 CriminalJackHarek234 15 February 2023

Hello! I'm Jack!

For those who haven't seen my new case in Saverville yet. The third chapter will be released when I add the transcription to the second chapter! You can read what you have for now! - CriminalJackHarek234

Hanging Above the Earth! - Link to the case


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ExtravagantSquid ExtravagantSquid 25 January 2022


Hello, can I please get the link to the Wiki's discord server? Please and thank you

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ItsBrunoSlur ItsBrunoSlur 25 July 2021

Nice 👍

Nice 👍

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