Criminal Case Official Fan-Fiction Wiki
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Nyctochral Police Department HQ, Halloween Night...
Chief Keyon Imamu (in disco costume, greeting): Hello and welcome, new recruit, to the Nyctochral Police Department! We've been expecting your arrival, even if it is 9 o'clock at night.
Keyon (happy): I'm Keyon Imamu. I run things around here as the Chief of Police. Forgive me, but I forgot what your name was again. I read your file earlier today too...
Keyon (smiling): <Name>, that's it! Oh, you're going to have an awesome time with us here! Speaking of timing, it's impeccable because this gives you the opportunity to meet your co-workers! Come on, let's join the party.

Ryker Hawthorne (in elf costume, annoyed): I look like a damn fool in this stupid costume... Why'd I let you guys talk me into coming to this Halloween party anyways?
Orion Hunter (in Goth skeleton costume, laughing): Because we knew this was the only costume you own! Hahahahaha! Laughter is not only good for your health, but good for your soul as well.
Finn Dyson (in spa outfit, grinning): Hold on a second, Gandhi. Could someone get me some cucumbers for my eyes?
Nao Ryuzaki (in water lion costume, confused): Um... why do you look like you just got one extreme makeover?
Finn: Because I did? Duh. I always go to the spa on Tuesdays to relax but they were closed for Halloween, so I had to improvise.
Ryker (joking): What are you supposed to be anyways, Finn? My mother?
Adira Romero (in matryoshka doll costume, laughing): Good one, Ryker! Fun fact: women gain an average of 30 pounds during pregnancy! But a lot of them, including me, lose that weight in time.
Poppy Winters (in cowgirl costume, delighted): Oh, hey! The Chief just joined the party! ...Oh, is this the new recruit?
Nao (serious): Who's the newbie? Invade my personal space and Bessie will be happy to taste new blood.
Keyon (serious): Whoa, whoa, hold on there now... Guys, this is <Name>, the <Rank> who's joining our little family. Introduce yourselves, guys, and please try to act decent at least.
Ryker: Hey, <Name>, I'm Ryker Hawthorne. Don't worry, I won't stab you like Nao will... I work here as a detective so I hope we're going to get along great. There. How's that for decent? By the way, why do you look like my dead grandpa?
Keyon (pointing finger, flustered): Ryker's going to be one of your partners, <Name>. Try not to see it as a punishment. Here's your second partner.
Poppy (tipping hat, happy): ...Who, me? Oh, howdy partner! I just started working here myself. My name's Poppy Winters, and I think we're going to make an awesome team... if I could just not stare at my phone all day. Speaking of...
Poppy (checking phone): ...
Keyon (annoyed): Geez louise...
Adira (excited): Pleasuretomeetyou, <Name>! I'mAdiraRomero, thecoroner. Funfact: Thejobofthecoronerdatesbackto12thcenturyEngland. Thenknownascrowners, theseprofessionalswereappointedbyroyaltytoinvestigateunexplainedorsuspiciousdeaths – andtocollectbelongingsofthedeceasedasadeathtax.
Keyon (explaining): Adira here is um... hyper, to say the least. Don't let her "I hate life" face fool you. I hope you can take notes when talking to her...
Orion (winking): What's up, my spiritual brother? I'm Orion Hunter and I handle all the science-y stuff around here. Well, Adira can do that stuff too, but still. Come by the lab if you ever wanna do some meditating or yoga...
Nao (displeased): We've already met, <Name>. Pardon me or whatever, but it's going to take me a while to get used to you. Just ask everybody else. Also, NEVER disturb me in my lab! Bessie's always waiting...
Finn (hand extended out, smiling): Oh, please... Salutations, <Name>. I'm Finn Dyson, the profiler of this department. Don't worry about Nao. Her and Bessie sing to Quarterz and stare at screens all day.
Nao (angry): WE DO NOT! Bessie happens to be a nice katana who listens to Feyonce!
Finn (smiling): It's so easy to get you angry... anyways, Nao handles all techy-related analyses while I deal with psychological analyses.
Keyon (smiling): And that is our... dysfunctional family... but it works! Now that you've been "properly" introduced to the team, I say we party and let the other precincts handle tonight. Blast the disco music!
Keyon (singing): Hmph... ah... Disco dynamite! Whoo! It's so cool in this shindig!
Ryker: Yep... just like my grandpa. Dead, dances like a 5-year-old in heels, looks like a dummy, talks weird, and smells like cabbage. God, this costume is starting to chafe... Don't look at me like that, <Name>.
Ryker (curious): Say, <Name>... let's ditch this horror-fest and go to the cemetery? ...What, are you chicken?
Ryker (excited): Sweet! All right, let's go. But first, I'm taking this goddamn costume off!

Nyctochral Graveyard, 9:05 P.M...
Ryker (in regular attire, cold): Brrr... it's a bit chilly out here... I wonder if there are any trick or treaters so we can steal their candy...
Ryker (uneasy): I swear, if kids come up to us just to give a good scare, I'll fire warning shots in the air.
Ryker: Well, we're partners, <Name>. Does this mean we have to tell each other our life story or something? God, you know, it makes me sick seeing crime out on the streets. Those people have no idea what it's like out there.
Ryker (reminiscing): Out in war, <Name>. I served as a marine for the U.S. Marine Corps until I was discharged for disorderly conduct for saving this family who were about to be killed...
Ryker: I did the right thing, but I get fired for risking my life. What is wrong with this world? And then you got drug dealers, addicts, murderers, and whatnot here while there's senseless violence in other parts of the world!
Ryker: It just makes me so ang--
Ryker (scared): Ahhh! What was that?! I mean, um...
Ryker (acting tough): Dang mutts howling. So, wanna take a look around for some dead bodies or something? I'll show you how to look for things. It's good practice for when we're out on the field.

Chapter 1

Calm down, partner. This section is soon to be added.