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Case Case Script
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Sabrina: Now we just have to see your face, phantom. Show us or you'll catch one more bullet.
Sabrina: What... What is it doing, <Name>?
Sabrina: The phantom threw a stone at the street lamp! We won't be able to see without the only light in the place, what a...
Sabrina: The phantom is running away, we have to-
Sabrina: Oh, it's useless. We won't be able to catch them when they're running so fast. We can't shoot them again and we can't follow them once the glow fades.
Sabrina: Well, we won't be tricked by this person anymore. It's time to tell everybody the phantom is just some random guy wearing mirrors and luciferase.

Days later...

Evan: I still can't believe you were face to face with the Lightning Phantom, <Name>! We already know their trick but we don't know who it is.
Evan: I told Linda about what happened to Lindsey, you know? It looks like her case hasn't been solved yet, but if nothing is found out she'll be free anyway.
Evan: Looks like you can't even trust your closest friends these days. Someone in our team has been lying about their identity as well, you know? But I don't know if it actually affects us in any way.
Evan: I don't know if I should tell you, <Name>... You're not stupid and I think you already know who I'm talking about...
Gino: Who are you talking about?
Evan: Gino?! Um... How are you? I'm glad you didn't get sad with the news about... y'know.
Gino: News? What news?
Sabrina: Gino! Er... the Chief wants to see you.
Gino: Oookey.
Sabrina: Evan, are you an idiot? Gino doesn't know that Tyler is Suzie's boyfriend yet. I'm glad I happened to overhear your conversation or you would've spilled the beans.
Evan: Overhear? Eavesdropping, you mean.
Sabrina: That's not important now. Besides, Suzie and Tyler are in a transatlantic now. What could Gino do if he found out they're dating?
Evan: Do you really think he can sink a ship or something like that? And that transatlantic... it works with transgenic gasoline or I don't know what.
Evan: And the Jamin who thought about this transgenic project is also a serial kidnapper. My money is on Wanda, she looked like she knew everything about this issue back then.
Sabrina: Shouldn't it be Gerard? His releasement was very well-timed with the beginning of the project.
Evan: Come on, that guy can't even use a gun properly.
Alan Smith: Did any of you tell Gino that I wanted to see him?!
Sabrina: Sorry, Alan. It was me, I needed an emergency meeting.
Alan Smith: Oh God... <Name>, can you help me with something? There's a rock festival in the forest... Not the one in the Countryside, the one that's in this district. Two rival artists will perform there.
Alan Smith: It turns out that the manager of one of those two got lost and they can't find him. His name is Bruno Becks and this is a photo of him.
Alan Smith: Evan, you can stay if you want. I'll be sending Octavius with <Name>.
Evan: Oh... ok.

Octavius: Wow, <Name>. This forest is so dark. Couldn't this man get lost in the morning?
Octavius: Hey, there's a man lying over there. Is he fine?
Octavius: What happened here, <Name>?

Chapter 1[]

Investigate Town Outskirts Forest
Octavius: This man is dead, <Name>! The concert hasn't even begun and we'll have to get everybody out of the forest. How can we make sure the fans will behave?
Octavius: I'll call the HQ...
Gino: Townville Police Department.
Octavius: Oh, Gino! This is Octavius. We have a dead man, so we need help to make everyone leave the forest. We might lose important evidence related to this person's death.
Gino: Fine... Sabrina's boyfriend is there as he likes that kind of music. I'll go with her and try to make him help us. Thanks for calling.
Octavius: Bye...
Octavius: He sounded a bit angry, <Name>... Do you think they finally told Gino about Suzie and Tyler?
Octavius: Well, that's not important now! We have to see who this man is, his face isn't clearly recognizable as his skull is smashed.
Octavius: And look, there's a smartphone near the corpse. Will you unlock it, <Name>?

Examine Victim's face
Octavius: <Name>, the victim is Bruno Becks, the man we were looking for! I think he's somehow related to this rock festival, but I don't know very well how...
Octavius: You know, I prefer pop music, or blues. I'll look for him in the Internet and see what I find!
Octavius: Here he is, Bruno Becks. He is Shane Bell's manager. And Shane Bell is...?
Octavius: Oh, he's one of the two rival artists who was going to perform tonight. How can we tell him his manager is dead, <Name>?
Octavius: We need to have a chat with this guy and let's send Bruno's body to the morgue as well.

Autopsy the victim's body
Daniel: I'm kind of impressed this time, <Name>! The victim's head was smashed by a very big object, and very heavy by the way. And I know where it came from.
Daniel: The murder weapon comes from the forest! There is dirt, mud, small bugs, and traces of the vegetal species that live in our forest, all of that in Bruno's wounds.
Octavius: So the murder took place there, right?
Daniel: Exactly. I also found traces of pollen from other species in the wounds but it doesn't match any of the flowers in the forest. I'm confused.
Octavius: Don't worry, we can see where it came from. May you give us the sample?

Examine Pollen
Octavius: Ok, so that pollen sample comes from chrysanthemum flowers. That means the killer has been in contact with them recently, but where? They're not in the forest...
Octavius: Well, we can think about that later. Now we know the killer has been near chrysanthemum flowers.

Tell Shane Bell about his manager's death
Octavius: Mr Bell, we're sorry to tell you that Bruno Becks has died.
Shane: My manager? That's impossible! What am I going to do now?
Octavius: Is there any useful information about him that you could give us?
Shane: Let me think... A while ago, he was at the stage making sure everything was ok and he was... He was fine! How could he die?
Shane: If you haven't seen the stage, I can show you where it is.
Octavius: Thanks very much, Mr Bell, but don't worry. Stay here and we'll go ourselves.

Investigate Concert stage
Octavius: I'm amazed! Such a big stage in the middle of a forest is really cool!
Octavius: Ehm, back to the investigation. This microphone here is all... wet. If you collect a sample of this liquid, we might be able to see who was here with the victim a while ago.
Octavius: And this torn leaflet... I don't know if it's related to Bruno's death but it may help me understand the case's background a bit more.

Examine Microphone
Octavius: Well done, <Name>! Now let's give this sample to Sabrina and see what this liquid is.

Analyze Brown liquid
Sabrina: I'm afraid to say that there's actually nothing special about this substance, <Name>. This is just rum.
Octavius: The concert hasn't begun yet and they were already drinking...
Sabrina: It was not the fans, Octavius. I called the concert staff to ask if they had this kind of drinks. I doubt that the audience will take rum to the concert.
Sabrina: And they told me that there was a man who had asked for some rum a lot of times until the organizers gave him some. They didn't know who the man was though.
Octavius: Don't worry, we can go there and look for him.
Sabrina: They told me his name was Herman, so take that into account.

See why Herman was at he crime scene
Octavius: You... you are Herman, right?
Herman: Yes! I'm Herman Bell, I'm Shane's brother! Please tell me you believe me!
Octavius: Er... Why not? Many people have brothers, don't they?
Herman: You have to help me! Nobody believes I'm Shane Bell's brother! I asked for a glass of rum and they thought I was just a fan! I AM SHANE'S DRUMMER!
Octavius: We're sorry for you, but... When you were on the stage drinking rum, did you see Bruno Becks?
Herman: Yeah, he was there but then he left. I don't know where he went.
Octavius: We found him dead. Do you have any idea of who could have killed him?
Herman: My brother, maybe? He didn't get along with his manager.

Examine Torn leaflet
Octavius: This leaflet shows the face of some young... and handsome guy. It says "Do you want to keep hearing fake and meaningless music or REAL rock?"...
Octavius: "You decide. Vote for Kyle Turner". I don't know who this Kyle is but I'd really like to know it... I'll write his name in this browser.
Octavius: Another rock star, and Shane's rival! He's the other guy who was going to perform here. But what should people vote for, <Name>? What's this leaflet?
Octavius: Can we talk to him to find out? Pleeease...

Ask Kyle Turner about the event
Octavius: Good evening, Kyle. We'd like to know if you-
Kyle: Why are you calling me Kyle? Are you a friend of mine or something?
Octavius: Wow, sorry, "Mr Turner". Bruno Becks was found dead in this forest so we want to know if you have anything to do with it.
Kyle: So that's the reason why the concert was called off. Maybe they did it not to lose, don't you think?
Octavius: Lose what?
Kyle: Didn't you see any of my leaflets? After the concert, people have to vote for either Shane Bell or me, and the winner will sign a contract with Jade River Music, boy.
Octavius: Why are you calling me boy? Are you a friend of mine or something?
Kyle: Ease off, bro.

Examine Smartphone
Octavius: This smartphone looks new, <Name>! Does it belong to anyone? I'd keep it if I could...
Octavius: Hm... Maybe the Chief can get some info from this phone, don't you think?

Analyze Smartphone
Alan: After taking a good look at this cellphone, I can say that it belongs to Bruno Becks for sure.
Octavius: But why does it look like it's just been bought? No apps, no music, no wallpaper...
Alan: That's the point. Someone removed the SIM card and the SD card. It's all scraped here, see? And it's stained with blood as well.
Alan: So we can say that the killer took those card from the phone around the time they killed Bruno.
Octavius: That should be the killer's motive! What could be hidden in Bruno's cellphone?
Alan: I don't know but among those scratches and bloodstains I found these small hairs which surely come from the killer as well. Will you examine them?

Examine Hair
Octavius: Fine, so what are those hairs that the killer left on Bruno's mobile? Horse hairs?
Octavius: Well, I heard that riding horses has become very popular lately in this district. Maybe they'll even be part of the Rally Race. Let me read the forensic report.
Octavius: Yeah, it says here that this breed is very much used for riding these horses, and it seems that is what Bruno's killer does!

Back at the police station...

Octavius: Ok, <Name>, we have a new case in our hands. Bruno Becks was found dead in the forest right before the concert. He was Shane Bell's manager.
Octavius: Shane is sad but we know that he didn't get on well with the victim.
Octavius: Kyle, the tough but good-looking guy, thinks that someone from "Shane's side" did it to avoid losing the contest by delaying the concert.
Octavius: Herman, the frustrated drummer... who nobody knows, suspects his own brother.
Octavius: We know the killer rides horses and is in contact with chrysanthemum flowers, which sounds like it's some kind of sweet teenage cowboy, but the suspects are rock musicians!
Evan: <Name>, have you watched TV today yet?
Octavius: We've been at the forest all this evening, we couldn't watch TV recently. Why do you ask?
Evan: They're showing this ad a lot of times and I just can't believe-
Evan: Listen, there it is!
TV: Ladies and gentlemen, you can start filling those trucks again with all the colors you want.
Octavius: Trucks... colors... I think that reminds me of-
TV: Green Year Parade is back!

Chapter 2[]

Octavius: Green Year Parade again?! I thought it'd been cancelled after an activist killed the president of the jury.
Evan: Yes, it was <Name> and I who solved that case! Who decided to have the event back and why?
Daniel: <Name>, I saw that the sample the killer left on Bruno came from chrysanthemum flowers.
Octavius: Maybe the killer collected them to participate in the parade.
Evan: That can't be possible, the event was announced this afternoon. Who'd pick flowers so soon?
Daniel: Well, I happened to tell Gino about it.
Gino: Hi, <Name>! As you already know, I know this district as if I'd created it by myself. Being the Town Outskirts Forest we're talking about, if you say chrysanthemum, I can only think of one place.
Gino: The Town Outskirts Horse-Riding Rodeo, I mean! It's well-known for being full of those flowers.
Octavius: Rodeo? We know the killer rides horses too! How do we get there?
Daniel: Gino told me how to go to the rodeo. Can I go with you, guys? I'd like to be of help once in a while in a case.
Octavius: Ok, let's go there!

Investigate Horse-riding Rodeo
Octavius: What is that big rock doing over there, <Name>?! It's full of blood!
Daniel: Hm... I guess it means that Bruno's killer has been here, definitely. We need to see what else we can find on that rock and analyze it.
Kate: The police! Are you Kyle's bodyguards, <Rank> <Name>? Is he here?
Octavius: Who are you, girl? Why are you here?

Examine Rock
Octavius: Well done, <Name>! I wonder what this rock issue is about.
Daniel: Let me take care of this analysis, fine?

Analyze Rock
Daniel: <Name>, I thought this rock could be the murder weapon and it turns out I was right. The killer smashed Bruno's head with this.
Octavius: What?! That's... brutal!
Daniel: I know, right? All these substances match the ones I found on Bruno's skull, including more chrysanthemum pollen and horse hairs.
Daniel: I found some traces of DNA that didn't belong to the victim, so I assume the killer left them there. It helped me find out that the killer is a man.
Octavius: Great, let's add that to the culprit's profile, <Name>. Besides, why don't we return to the stage? We may find more clues there. Will you come too, Daniel?
Daniel: Of course!

Investigate Herman's drum kit
Daniel: Wow, that golden envelope surely looks posh! What is it for?
Octavius: Well, it has a faded writing so if we manage to recover it, we'll understand. Can you help us with that, <Name>?
Daniel: It seems <Name> considers this bag of candies to be important, so let's take a look inside.
Octavius: Hey, who's there?!
Herman: Listen, <Rank> <Name>, THIS is what a real drummer sounds like!
Octavius: Herman, I thought you already knew that THIS IS A CRIME SCENE!!!

Examine Golden envelope
Daniel: This golden envelope says "voting results"... What is it about, <Name>?
Octavius: Oh, after the concert people had to vote for their favorite musician. Anyway, everything was cancelled due to Bruno's murder, so-
Daniel: But, Octavius... There IS a paper inside this envelope. Are you sure about what you're saying?
Octavius: WHAT?! But... but... The concert hasn't even started! Let me see that paper.
Daniel: It's all torn up, maybe <Name> is able to restore it.

Examine Torn paper
Octavius: Oh my, <Name>, these ARE in fact the voting resutls! And look, none of them has performed but Kyle won anyway. What does this mean, were the results arranged beforehand?
Daniel: Well, maybe that signature belongs to the one who did this. It says... Ross Ayala, I think.
Octavius: Time to use my cellphone again, so let's see who Ross Ayala is.
Octavius: Ha, he's Kyle's manager! No wonder he won then... Let's talk to this guy and see why he was cheating.

Interrogate Ross Ayala about why he cheated
Daniel: Mr Ayala, can we talk to you about this paper which was signed by you?
Ross: What is that? Let me see... Voting results? My artist hasn't even performed yet!
Octavius: Don't pretend you don't know anything about it, you tried to cheat! Why is your signature the only one here?
Ross: Maybe Bruno couldn't sign because he's dead, don't you think? It must have been Kyle doing some joke, don't take things too seriously, fine?
Ross: I'm going to the rodeo for a while and ride some minutes. I need to calm down.
Octavius: The rodeo is one of our crime scenes so stay here, please.

Examine Bag of candies
Daniel: Was there anything of interest inside that bag of candies?
Octavius: Um... I guess this padlock should be interesting, right? If it was in such a place, I'd think someone hid it.
Daniel: If that's the case, then we have to give this to Alan. If only Lindsey were here...

Analyze Padlock
Alan: <Name>, this padlock belongs to Shane Bell's bungalow. You see, next to the Horse-riding Rodeo, there are a few cabins and one of them is Shane and Herman's one.
Alan: They would stay there tonight after the concert, and they were also there before the "concert". Now something about it is weird...
Daniel: Is it somehow related to Bruno?
Alan: Kind of, because I think he was staying in Shane's bungalow too. What worries me is that this padlock had only Kyle Turner's fingerprints.
Octavius: Well, maybe it's the one from his bungalow and you got confused.
Alan: I did not. I guess that if they had lost this, they would've reported it to you so I can only think of one thing. This one is a copy.
Octavius: If Kyle did such a thing, we must talk to him right now!

Demand explanations from Kyle Turner about the padlock
Octavius: "Mr Turner", if that's fine for you, can you explain what this padlock is?
Kyle: Isn't it the one from my bungalow? I can't believe I lost it!
Daniel: No, this is the one from Shane's bungalow and it has your fingerprints all over it. Kind of weird, because I've just seen an identical one on his door.
Kyle: Anyway, why would I want his padlock? If I wanted to get inside his place I'd need the key, not that.
Kyle: Now I'll go ride my horse, so excuse me. This investigation of yours is stressing me out.
Daniel: Let's see where you and your horse will go because the rodeo is a crime scene and you can't go there.

Get Herman out of the crime scene
Octavius: I hope this is the last time we have to say it, Herman. You CAN'T be here, ok? We'll have to arrest you the next time we see you around here.
Daniel: Sorry for interrupting, but, <Name>... I think this man is drunk. Look at his eyes.
Herman: Maybe I've had a bit of rum, though it doesn't mean I'm not a real drummer, <Name>! I can do much more than my brother, you hear?! I can be my brother!
Herman: He just has a good voice. I even started riding horses like him, 'cause fans like to see those things.
Daniel: Wouldn't you like to come to our station and have some coffee?
Herman: I am fine here!
Octavius: Well, you'll be there detained anyway. Let's see if it works to keep you out of the crime scenes!

Talk to Kate Lynn about the case
Kate: I'm Kate Lynn, Kyle Turner's biggest fan! <Rank> <Name> knows who I am and, um... I'm Sabrina's friend.
Octavius: It doesn't matter how many police officers you know, lady. We have to investigate this crime scene and we can't let anyone be here.
Kate: Crime scene? Oh my God, please tell me Kyle is ok!
Daniel: Yeah, he is ok. Bruno Becks, Shane's manager, is the one who died and was left in the forest.
Kate: Oh dear, that's terrible! I was waiting for Kyle to get an autograph but it seems the event will be called off. Good evening, <Rank> <Name>!

Back at the headquarters...

Daniel: What cool suspects you have in this case, <Name>! Dealing with gangs is easier for me. I guess I have it in my blood...
Octavius: I liked that watermelon case, when I met Joshua...
Octavius: Ok, back to this one. We have Caitlyn, that groupie who loves Kyle Turner, but I don't think she's a real suspect. She doesn't look like she could kill someone.
Daniel: Lindsey didn't look like that either and she did it anyway. There's also that duo of Ross and Kyle, who seemed desperate to win that vote.
Octavius: We also have Herman... And I'd like to remind you that Lindsey will get out of preventive imprisonment soon.
Octavius: And... I need some sleep.
Daniel: Yeah, we can't stay up any longer. Can we continue tomorrow morning? I can't even drive back home, I'll have to sleep right here. Goodnight.
Octavius: Then I'll go to the interrogation room. Goodnight, guys.
Daniel: Wait, who is going to stay at the rodeo? Those suspects may mess with the crime scenes.
Evan: Hi there! I can't believe I have to do night shift today...
Octavius: There it is, our savior! Evan, can you stay at the Town Outskirts Horse-riding Rodeo? You just have to make sure no one escapes from any bungalow.
Evan: WHAT THE-?! That's in the middle of the forest!
Daniel: Actually it's near the forest but not in it. Please, it's for the sake of a murder case! We need to sleep and the suspects are there!
Evan: You... It's ok.
Octavius: Thank you! We'll be there when your night shift ends. Thanks a lot, Evan!

Chapter 3[]

The next morning...

Daniel: Oh, yeah, I'll get it. Townville Police Department, can I help you?
Evan: My God, Daniel, we're the police, not a credit card hotline. You can't ask me if you can help me.
Daniel: I've heard you saying that on the phone lots of times...
Evan: Me? Come on, that was most probably Gino. Listen, I've got two rock stars handcuffed in the backseat and I'm about to take them there. Can you come here?
Daniel: You arrested them? Why?!
Evan: This one called Kyle stole a few things from the other one's bungalow, and that guy called Shane is here too for disturbances and for slapping me.
Daniel: Ah, that must have been hilarious. I wish I could have been there to see it! We'll go now so don't worry, bye.
Daniel: Let's go and see what happened at the rodeo and before Shane is shipped over to the HQ, I'd like to ask him what happened, because Kyle won't say a word to us.
Daniel: Can you go and wake Octavius up?

Investigate Rodeo driveway
Octavius: I'm still kinda asleep, <Name>, sorry. What do we need that trash bin for?
Daniel: We'll have to look inside it and try to find something. You never know what you might see in the trash.
Octavius: Oh, I see. What about those black pieces?
Daniel: They're brown, Octavius. If only you would open your eyes... We have to put them back together. Now where's Evan?
Evan: Here I am! This is the guy you wanted to talk to, right?
Shane: Let me go!
Daniel: I'm afraid we can't do anything, the handcuffs are already there. Would you mind telling us what happened here?

Examine Trash bin
Octavius: Did you find anything, <Name>? That is... Is it toilet paper?
Daniel: Could you please wake up? It's just a strip of ordinary paper. It says something but the rest of the trash made the words fade away. You know what that means, <Name>.

Examine Paper strip
Octavius: You paid attention to that paper strip in vain, <Name>. This is some kind of... mumbo-jumbo gibberish. Just random letters written along this strip.
Daniel: No... No, no, no, I'm sure this makes in some way. This... code...
Daniel: Yeah, that's it! I saw Sabrina working with codes like this one written in paper strips. She'll help us!

Analyze Strip code
Daniel: What was this code's name, Sabrina? Was it something like a scynthe... sickle...
Sabrina: Scytale, you mean. You have to wrap the paper around a stick and write, so when you have just the strip, you see a completely different text.
Sabrina: You just have to put it around a stick as thick as the original one to read it, and this one says "the rodeo reception keeps a copy of the padlocks". I heard about this affair yesterday, so I looked for this handwriting.
Sabrina: And sadly, it belongs to my friend, Kate Lynn.
Octavius: Caitlyn's your friend? Oh, that's right, she mentioned that. Well, we have to talk to her about this anyway!
Sabrina: Wait, that's... not her name.

Talk to Kate Lynn about the scytale coded message
Kate: <Rank> <Name>, I've decided! I'll go and give Kyle these chrysanthemum flowers, I hope he likes them! I think they have some special meaning in Japan.
Daniel: I'm sorry, but he'll be able to receive your flowers once he's free. We came to ask you about the scytale coded message you left for Kyle Turner.
Kate: My mesage didn't say it was for him.
Octavius: Taking into account how much you seem to love him, and knowing he had a copy of Shane Bell's lock, the only other option you'd have is having written it for Kyle's manager.
Kate: I apologize, ok? It's just that Kyle TALKED to me! Well, I'm the president of his fan club, but you probably don't mind.
Daniel: We don't...
Kate: He told me Shane had stolen something from his bungalow and he wanted it back, so I helped him!
Octavius: Caitlyn, do you think it's ok to steal because someone stole from you before?! What we should have done is just tell us about it. WE are in charge of thieves, not you or any other groupie.
Octavius: We won't take you to the HQ because it wasn't your fault but, please, behave.

Examine Brown pieces
Daniel: Hm... So those pieces were in fact a key. Not a normal key for sure, what kind of material is this?
Octavius: We won't get anything like this, we have to send it to the lab.

Analyze Brown key
Alan: Look, guys, here is the padlock you had found before. Now if I put this key in it...
Alan: See? It's unlocked!
Octavius: So, that's the key to Shane's bungalow! But what is it made of?
Alan: It's some kind of hardened putty, often used for replicating keys when you only have the keyhole. So I contacted a few local locksmith shops. Guess what.
Alan: One of the shop owners recognised the key and said that a man had requested it to him.
Daniel: Was it Kyle Turner?
Alan: In fact, no. The description he gave me fits more his manager actually, so I asked him if his name was Ross and he said yes.
Octavius: Ok, it's time to get serious with this man again!

Confront Ross Ayala about the duplicate key
Octavius: It looks like that fraud was not enough, Mr Ayala. You also had to break into Shane Bell's bungalow!
Ross: Break into? What are you talking about? Isn't it "to break in"? Or is it "into"...
Daniel: Cut it already! We know you had a locksmith make another key for that padlock that Kyle had. If you don't explain it, we're going to arrest you!
Ross: Kyle asked me to do that, I had no idea that was for Mr Bell's bungalow, I'm sorry!
Ross: Now, do you think these chrysanthemum flowers will look good on top of Kyle Turner's truck at Green Year Parade?
Octavius: We think you should stop acting innocent, Mr Ayala! You might end up in jail if you keep that attitude.

Make Shane Bell explain what happened
Shane: It's not me who should be handcuffed, <Rank> <Name>, Kyle got inside my bungalow and stole my belongings! What kind of nonsense is this? Tell me!
Octavius: He's handcuffed too, Shane, and we've been told you slapped Lead Inspector Evan. You won't be going to jail though, you'll just be detained. Now explain this disturbance to us.
Shane: I've already told you, he's a thief! I'd just announced I'd take part in Green Year Parade and I was collecting some chrysanthemum flowers from over there.
Shane: And Kyle then started doing the same saying he'd be this year's winner! He's always competing against me!
Daniel: I knew this thing of the padlock wouldn't end well... Thanks for co-operating, Shane.

Right after that...

Daniel: I can't believe we have three of our suspects here at the police station. It's no surprise anyway taking into account what those two did with that padlock.
Octavius: Not only them, they had their fan's help. Those girls will do anything just to call an idol's attention.
Daniel: However, we've been chasing that lock and that key and that rock star... and the killer must be still laughing at us.
Octavius: Yeah, that's right. We should return to the place where we found the victim to keep investigating.
Octavius: I bet it's much less terrifying in broad daylight!

Investigate Swamp
Octavius: How couldn't we see that trash container before? Well, maybe it wasn't right here yesterday. The killer might have dropped evidence inside anyway.
Octavius: Too bad it has another... padlock.
Daniel: But this one doesn't need a key, it asks for a combination. I'm sure <Name> can do it.

Examine Container lock
Daniel: You did it, <Name>, that's great! Just in a matter of seconds.
Octavius: Now, let's find something useful.

Examine Trash container
Daniel: I've found nothing but trash here. What about you, <Name>? Oh, you found something! Isn't that... an SD card? Yeah, it is.
Daniel: It's stained with blood too...
Octavius: Blood? Wait, it must be Bruno's SD card! The killer stole it, but why did they leave it in the trash? Isn't the SIM card there as well?
Daniel: I don't know, but if the killer had this, we have to examine it.

Examine SD card
Octavius: You took a sample in no time, <Name>, that was perfect! You'll have to teach me how to do that.
Daniel: Let's send that DNA sample to Sabrina now, the killer might have already left the rodeo to escape!

Analyze DNA sample
Sabrina: Alan checked the contents of the SD card and found out that it does belong to Bruno, but he found nothing of interest in it.
Sabrina: Want to hear about the DNA sample now?
Octavius: Yes, please!
Sabrina: I managed to isolate all of Bruno's DNA to focus on the rest. It matched the sample that Daniel had analyzed from that rock so it belongs to the killer.
Daniel: You're welcome, lady.
Sabrina: I found some really useful genes in the sample so I can tell you two things about the culprit.
Sabrina: He has black hair and green eyes!
Octavius: Wow, that must be more than enough! <Name>, Daniel... It's time to go arrest this killer!

Arrest killer
Octavius: Ross Ayala, you're under arrest for the murder of Bruno Becks! Go put the handcuffs on him, <Name>, don't let him escape!
Ross: Handcuffs? Come on, please. What did I do wrong this time?
Daniel: You smashed Bruno's head with a boulder! And you stole his SD and SIM card from his mobile. But the SD wasn't of your interest so you left it in a trash container.
Daniel: If that's not true for you, then... Well... We found your fingerprints on his phone!
Ross: You just made that up.
Octavius: It doesn't matter if you wiped your prints off, we found your DNA on Bruno's bloodstained SD card and on the murder weapon. Isn't that enough?
Ross: Fine, I give up. I murdered Bruno, ok?
Daniel: May we ask why you made a copy of the key to get into Shane's bungalow?
Ross: We wanted to win that poll at any cost, and we heard Shane would perform and win by singing a brand new song. We stole the song and it was to be sung by Kyle.
Ross: It's a shame he couldn't do it. We stole it anyway, he'll claim it's his song.
Octavius: You're a disgusting cold-blooded criminal, Ross.

Esteban Gonzalez: Mr Ross Ayala, your lawyer did a great job but now you enter a guilty plea. At least would you explain why you stole Mr Becks' SIM card?
Ross: He was going to cheat, your Honor! He knew many important businessmen from Jade River Holdings and he had enough money to bribe them. He'd make Shane Bell the first rockstar from Townville.
Ross: I needed those contacts to enter the great music industry. Kyle and I would've been glorious!
Esteban Gonzalez: So to get those phone numbers, you killed Bruno Becks... and stole that card.
Ross: Well... It sounds stupid when it's put into words. He wouldn't have given it to me if I had asked him to.
Esteban Gonzalez: Oh, but you tried to cheat as well, didn't you? Mr Ayala, for murder, fraud attempt, and theft complicity...
Esteban Gonzalez: I sentence you to life imprisonment with a chance for parole in 30 years. As for Kyle Turner, for thievery, you'll be sent to jail for 8 months!

Daniel: I can't believe those two are going to jail just for trying to win taht stupid contest or whatever. Was it really worth it or not?
Octavius: Definitely not. I guess Shane will become the first celebrity from Townville then, after Miracle Sammy, that magician from years ago.
Octavius: I just remembered, the S.S. Victoria has just returned to Townville this morning. Has anyone told Gino that Suzie went there with Tyler?
Daniel: No, they haven't. He likes Tyler and if he finds out... nothing good will come out of it. We should keep the secret for a while, don't you think?
Octavius: How long? Until he gets an invitation to their wedding?

Creepy Crops 9 - Transference[]

Gino: I can't believe it! I just CAN'T!
Evan: What happened, Gino? Did you... did you find out something? Something that hurt you, maybe?
Gino: What are you talking about, Evan? I forgot that the S.S. Victoria returned yesterday morning. I was going to go and see if Suzie was there and who she was with.
Gino: I guess I won't ever discover who my replacement is.
Octavius: Shane Bell appeared on TV, <Name>! It looks like his parents were on board too, in the S.S. Victoria. That is Zachariah Loas' transatlantic, remember?
Gino: His parents were there too? I have to go and talk to that guy!
Evan: Octavius, are you stupid?!
Octavius: Sorry...
Evan: Gino, you'll stay here! We have more important things to do, like... finding out who this Brooklyn woman is! The gang that killed her has access to all of our information.
Octavius: After yesterday's case I can't think anymore. I can't believe Caitlyn was the only suspect we didn't arrest.
Evan: We're talking about Brooklyn, not Caitlyn and... No, I don't know any Caitlyn.
Octavius: She said she knew <Name>, and I think Sabrina told me she is a band with Wane.
Evan: Oh, but her name is Kate Lynn, not Caitlyn. Yeah, I know her, but I'm really curious about that Brooklyn woman.
Evan: Wait...
Gino: Could it...
Octavius: Be?
Evan: OH MY GOD, <Name>, WHAT IF BROOKLYN WAS NOT HER NAME?! Just like what happened to Octavius with Kate, her name could be... this...
Evan: Brooke Lynn, that's it! It's a possibility, isn't it? So if her last name was Lynn, could it be that she's related to Kate? We need to go and ask her.
Evan: Do you want to come with me, <Name>?
Gino: And, say... <Name>... Could I go with you to ask Shane Bell about that transatlantic?

See if there was a Brooke in Kate Lynn's family
Kate: Hi, <Rank> <Name>! Oh, Evan, you're here too! I'm glad to see you again, you know?
Kate: I'm not sure whether you like hardcore music or not... I'll tell you anyway. The Crimson Vampires will be playing in this forest tonight! Isn't it great?
Evan: I'd really like to see you and Wane perform, it's a shame <Rank> <Name> and I have a lot of work. Being a Lead Inspector is really difficult, you know?
Evan: We wanted to ask if your mother, or aunt, maybe a cousin... Is any woman in your family called Brooke?
Kate: <Rank> <Name>, what kind of investigation are you on?! I told you once what the limits were.
Evan: Please, we need your help!
Kate: You'll obviously guess that Brooke was in fact one of my relatives because of my attitude but I will NOT get involved in a mess like she did. I won't talk about her.

Evan: So that woman was in fact Brooke Lynn, <Name>! We have a new lead, and we know that she is part of Kate's family. However, she will not answer our questions.
Evan: We could also ask Shane, Kate's father, but he'll probably have her same reaction. Our only choice is to keep investigating, as David Hickets has already told us everything he knows.
Evan: She must be at the stage preparing everything for the Crimson Vampires concert and rehearsing... Why don't we go there and try to see if we find anything about her life?

Investigate Concert stage
Evan: I don't think it's ok to look through Kate's life without her permission... Anyway, we need to stop that gang, right? We're the police!
Evan: And so you found that locked suitcase... Um, there's Wane, look! Hi there, Wane!
Wane: Hi there, <Name>! Hello, Evan!
Evan: Congratulations for the proposal, huh? Was the ring there down the waterfall?
Wane: Oh, don't remind me of that tragedy! Hahaha, I had to buy a new one.
Evan: Where's Kate? Is she around here?
Wane: Ah, Kate... She took a break, though I'm sure she'll return soon, as she left that suitcase of hers here.
Evan: Oh, I see... Fine, we'll be over there!
Evan: Can you try to open it, <Name>?

Examine Locked suitcase
Evan: These song sheets and guitar tuners aren't interesting, though that letter surely is! Look, it says "Brooke". It seems she wrote this.
Evan: What- What is this? Why is this letter written this way? It must be some kind of code, so I guess this letter is really important!
Evan: Sabrina is really good with codes, yeah! She told me about the scytale or whatever. I'll give this to her.

Analyze Coded letter
Sabrina: Another code. Anyway, this one is way easier. You have to read it in front of a mirror and from right to left, see? There was one problem though.
Sabrina: I'm still not sure if this is Brooke Lynn's handwriting. There's an entry for a woman called Brooke Lynn in our database, but it's empty.
Sabrina: It's just as if somebody had deleted everything!
Evan: Wait, the only one who has access to edit our database is the Chief, Alan Roger Smith! Don't tell me he's part of this gang which killed Brooke.
Sabrina: You're forgetting one more person, the city mayor. I really don't think Alan could be a gangster. Besides, he can barely use a computer, remember that.
Sabrina: He learnt because of the mayor's programme, but it has always been Lindsey who helped him with the database. Maybe SHE is part of that gang or some other hacker.
Evan: I can't trust anybody... <Name>, let's see what this letter says.

Some years ago...

Brooke: Dear Kate, this could be the last of all the letters I write for you. I hope you remember the mirror code I taught you one day.
Brooke: I was right about this gang, their leader is that man I told you about, and I have to face him. I need to ask him to pay for what he did.
Brooke: Please, don't ever be as stupid as me, be a good daughter. You have to fight for justice, of course, because that's a decent person's mission, but know the limits.
Brooke: Because when they put a gun to your temple and you refuse to stop fighting, you won't be able to claim justice anymore, you have to know when to draw back.
Brooke: I don't think I'll stay alive for much time. Just remember me as the one who will always love you, Kate. Bye bye.

Evan: This... Brooke Lynn was killed by the gang's leader! And it's a man, <Name>. She said things like "he", "him", and "man" to refer to this boss of the organization.
Evan: And she was Kate's mother, see? "Be a good daughter". She was Shane Lynn's wife.
Evan: Although... something else troubles me, something in this letter is worrying... I just feel like I've already read it or something similar. Don't you feel the same?
Evan: For some reason, it reminds me of Kate. Argh, I don't understand! We have to ask her, it doesn't matter if she didn't want to tell us before.

Question Kate about her mother
Evan: Kate, I want you to understand that we need your help. Please tell us what you know about Brooke Lynn.
Evan: We're sorry, but this is our work and you're not helping us! Remember that your mother told you, fight for justice, Kate. That is our mission.
Kate: If you read the letter then you know she also told me to know limits! I don't want a gun to my head, do you? I also have to know if you're one of them.
Evan: Of course we're not, Kate! Why would we be asking you about this if we already knew it?
Kate: I'm sorry, that letter was a lot of help and it's enough. I warned you once about this, <Rank> <Name>, and you did not listen.
Evan: When did you warn us?!
Kate: I warned you even before you knew this gang existed. I'll give you something from the buffet if you want, but leave.

Evan: <Name>, we need to think about Kate and the things she told us. I'm sure she knows what she's talking about but why can't she just tell us...
Evan: I'm pretty sure about the omen or whatever I felt when I read the letter. That thing Brooke said about justice... Where did I hear that before?
Evan: A gun to your temple... refuse to stop fighting... claim justice anymore...

Months ago...

Kate: This is not one of Holmes' novels or one of Bond's movies. This is Townville, so if you really care about justice, don't mess with people like Stefode.
Kate: Because when they put a gun to your temple and you refuse to stop fighting, you won't be able to claim justice anymore, you undersand?!

Evan: That's it, she forwarded Brooke's words to us to warn us about Bryan Stefode when we were just starting in the Cultural Center!
Evan: I can't believe she gave us a hint about it and we did not pay attention because we just thought she was a weird girl! She tried to tell us!
Evan: Well, he's in jail now, so why should we worry? The police officers will take care of him.
Evan: Oh, you're right!!! There are police officers in the gang too! He can still control the gang behind bars, and I bet he's still doing it.
Evan: What can we do, <Name>? How can we make him stop?
Evan: This phone rings at really unfortunate times... Townville Police Department.
Dr. Cyanide: Evan, hi there! This is "Dr. Cyanide", as you call me.
Evan: What do you want now? Aren't you busy with your preparations for the Rally Race?
Dr. Cyanide: Oh, kind of. I hope I win. I just wanted to tell you that I'm aware of your investigation on Brooke Lynn and the gang that killed her.
Dr. Cyanide: So, well, I just wanted to tell you that we are about to make our next move.
Evan: WHAT?! You're part of the gang too?! That is an explanation as for why you always have information about our team.
Evan: At least would yo tell us who is the mole who tells you everything? Is it Daniel, Sabrina, Alan, Octavius, or Gino?
Dr. Cyanide: Well, it could be any, it could be all, it could be none, who knows. I just like how you don't mention the otaku girl with hair dye.
Evan: Lindsey is in preventive imprisonment, you smart guy.
Dr. Cyanide: That's just what I thought... Bye bye.
Evan: Oh, <Name>... I feel like I just ruined it all.

Ask Shane Bell about the S.S. Victoria
Gino: Good morning, Mr Bell! I heard that your parents went on a trip in a transatlantic, the S.S. Victoria.
Shane: Yeah, it's true. Does it matter to anyway? I mean, why would the police care about that?
Gino: Um... We're looking for a woman who was in the cruise, that's it. Did they ever mention a certain Suzie Robin and her husband?
Shane: I think they did, but I don't know. However, they sent me photos of them which they took with every couple in the transatlantic.
Shane: Maybe that couple appears in one of them, <Rank> <Name>!
Gino: Can you give us those pictures, Mr Bell?
Shane: Here you have them, though most are blurry or printed out poorly. Besides, would you like to have these clothes, <Rank> <Name>? They're to promote my first tour! I'll be a celebrity!!!

Gino: Let's keep searching, <Name>, keep searching!
Gino: Here it is, I'VE FOUND IT!!! I can bet this is Suzie, even with her face blurred. I would... recognize her body anywhere...
Gino: This woman here must be Shane's mother. There are two blank spaces, so the one between them should be Shane's father.
Gino: And the one on the right will be Suzie's lover! She has no escape, I'll find out who it is!
Gino: I don't know if I want to see it... <Name>, can you recover the faded image?

Examine Suzie's photo
Gino: Oh, I don't want to see, <Name>! Can I see?
Gino: It's... It's...
Gino: LIEUTENANT TYLER WIVE?! I can't believe it, I thought we were friends or at least... I don't know!!! We worked together in Kameal's kidnapping case!!!
Gino: I... This won't stay like this, <Name>, I promise!

Minutes later...

Gino: Why didn't anybody tell me about Suzie and Tyler?! WHY?!
Evan: He found out...
Octavius: It was my fault, I'm sorry!
Evan: Who is it now?! Townville Police Department.
Ross: Is <Rank> <Name> there? I need to talk to <Rank> <Name>, please!
Evan: What is your name? Where are you?
Ross: I'm Ross Ayala, <Rank> <Name> arrested me yesterday! I'm at Townville's Prison Center, I have to talk to <Rank> <Name>! Please come here. Just <Rank> <Name>, remember!
Evan: <Name>, this Ross Ayala guy wants to talk to you in jail. It might be a trap, so will you let me go with you?

Go and see what Ross Ayala wants
Ross: Who is this guy, <Rank> <Name>? Can we trust him?
Evan: I'm Lead Inspector Evan Day, and I'm a reliable and trustworthy person. Now speak. I can't leave you and <Rank> <Name> alone in a room.
Ross: It's just that.. Well... Do you know Bryan Stefode, the one from Artclan? He was in the cell next to mine.
Evan: Bryan Stefode?! Yeah, we want to know about it!
Evan: Wait, did you just say WAS???
Ross: Yes, that's the matter. Two police officers came and said that they were finally going to transfer him. They said that they had to make sure nobody in <Name>'s team found out.
Ross: I thought the best thing I could do was call you.
Evan: Where are they going to transfer him? Did you hear that?
Ross: The Detention Center in the Town Outskirts, the one for prosecuted citizens. They said something about "going through both forests" to get there unseen.
Evan: Those must be the forest in the Countryside and the one in the Town Outskirts! When did they say that?
Ross: Just right before I called you.
Evan: More or less fifteen minutes ago, we won't make it! They must be already at the second forest. Let's go there, <Name>! Thanks very much, Mr Ayala.

Investigate Town Outskirts Forest
Evan: There are fresh tire tracks here, <Name>. Bryan has already escaped to the Detention Center. However, I don't understand his plan. What are they going to do there?
Evan: Oh, there's a cigarette butt here. It's still hot so someone left it here recently. Let's examine it to see who it was.

Examine Cigarette butt
Evan: This saliva will help us, <Name>. We have to know who was in the forest when Bryan was here. Let's take the sample to Sabrina!

Analyze Saliva
Evan: Come on, tell us, Sabrina! We need to know who smoked that cigarette.
Sabrina: This is... confusing. At least won't you explain what this is about?
Evan: Bryan Stefode is trying to escape jail or I don't know what. He's the leader of that gang that killed Kate Lynn's mother.
Sabrina: Wow, I had no idea. And what does Suzie Robin have to do with this? Because the sample you gave me contained her DNA.
Evan: Suzie? So she's one of the police officers in the gang. She helped Bryan!
Evan: There's nothing we can do yet, anyway. His transference must be somehow legal. How can we see through their plan?
Alan: <Name>, we have problems and I need your help!
Evan: I think their plan has already started.
Alan: It looks like Lindsey escaped from the detention center! Her tracker showed her location outside the building and it's heading towards the Town Outskirts police station.
Evan: That's where Suzie works! And... Lindsey? Dr. Cyanide said something about her... Sh*t, I can't believe it!
Evan: Wait, Bryan wouldn't be so careless, he knows the inmates have a tracker. Lindsey must be somewhere else, not at Suzie's police station.
Evan: The best thing we can do is go to the detention center and see what happened!

At the detention center...

Evan: F*ck, see? Lindsey's cell is empty! How couldn't I remember Lindsey was here when I heard Bryan would be transfered to this place?!
Evan: Oh, she left a note. It's faded, just like every note we find. Can you recover the words?

Examine Lindsey's note
Evan: "If you got here, congratulations! I'm taking the girl with me. Czsef Pfogubt".
Evan: Oh, I can't believe this guy even had the nerve to sign with that stupid alias! Lindsey didn't leave this note, it was Bryan! He kidnapped Lindsey AGAIN.
Evan: That was his plan, this "transference" issue just meant coming to pick Lindsey up and escape. This must be what Bryan meant when he said that.
Evan: You know, he said that if he went to jail, Lindsey would pay for it. Where could they have gone this time? I don't think they are at Artclan's office again.
Evan: Ah, Lindsey... How will we find her, <Name>?
